The dog will try to tug, get his attention and give the dog a treat or verbal assurances and resume walking. If you have a particularly energetic pup like a boxer or a retriever, you may want to tire the pup first before introducing him outside. Highly energetic games, for example a game of fetch, would be good to release extra energy, just do not play tug of war with the pup. It feels very nice to be welcomed by a dog with a furiously waging tail, very excited at your coming home, jumping at you, or bolting out the door to meet you. It is embarrassing though when the dog does the same when there are other people around. On occasions such as these, the owner will attempt at stopping the dog from continuing, but when the dog is not trained, all the dog hears from its owners is just another bark, an important bark maybe but incomprehensible. The only must is that the doghouse will fit the dog enough to have him move comfortably and that the roof will not be so hot during summer months. Another very important item is a door. In areas where there are very cold seasons, a door should be opted instead of the usual open hole. Determining the Size Determining doghouse sizes are personal choices. Because of our strong attachment to dogs, it is not enough to have just another dog. It is too easy to fall into that kind of trap. It is so easy to fall in love with a puppy that is giving you its puppy eyes and begging for adoption. People have different personalities, so have dogs. Since dogs change your lifestyle and will stay with you for a very long while, it is best to have a list of dog traits that will best compliment your personality because when adopting a dog, love at first sight may not be very good enough. You need both in a dog. Check out the puppy's breed. The puppy's breed often determines its general trait when it's fully grown. What you want is a breed that matches your personality. If you are the type of person who loves to go out, you should get a breed that is good for outdoor activities. If you just want a dog for long-term companionship, you should look for mid-sized companion dogs. Some herding dogs work well with most animals while other breeds are trained over generations to work with specific groups of animals making them adapted to specific animal traits enhancing their ability to the animal group that they are working on. Typically, animals that sporting dogs works best are sheep, cattle, deer, goats, and poultry.
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