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Chapter 3: Restore Your Metabolism


The word metabolism is derived from the Greek language. And it means “change” or “transformation”. For our purposes of body function, metabolism is the amount of energy or calories your body burns to maintain vital bodily functions.

Ramping It Up

At every moment, be it that you are sleeping, or at the mall shopping or in the gym exercising, your body is constantly burning calories. It needs fuel just as a car needs fuel to power itself or a machine. Your metabolism is the regulator and manager of your body’s fuel.

Certain type of foods may be eaten to boost the metabolic rate of the body. Food like whole grains, dark leafy greens and lean meat like fish and chicken are good for boosting the metabolism.

The time at which you eat is also important if you want to boost your metabolism. Eating frequent small low fat meals will work towards increasing your metabolism rate.

Staying long hours without eating slows down your metabolism that is why you start feeling weak and drained and craving for sugar because your blood sugar will be low.

Staying for a long period of time without eating makes your body feel as though you might be lacking food so it starts processing your food slowly in your digestive system as a way to preserve the food till you get more but if your body senses that you have adequate food it will process it faster and this will also avoid indigestion.

Drinking herbal tea and a lot of water also improves the metabolism rate. Water helps in digestion and distribution of nutrients in the body. Exercising is another way of boosting your metabolism, when you exercise your body will burn more calories in the following days that if you had not exercised and exercising in the evening is better than in the morning because that is when your metabolism is slowing down and this gives it a boost and you burn more calories throughout the night.

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