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Chapter 2: Evaluate Where You Are Physically


It is important to know the status of your body, its physical condition and its level of fitness. Knowing the physical condition is important because you will be able to deal with foreseen problems and handle them before they become life threatening. Your body is a machine and knowing the condition of the machine will give you knowledge of when it needs to rest and not be overworked or when it needs repairs.

What Can You Do

Your body like any other machine needs to be fed the right type of fuel and oils to make it run properly, this means you need to find out what your body lacks in terms of minerals and try to give it the right kind of food. A better body means better health and better health leads to a better lifestyle. If your body is healthy you are most likely to be happier.

Going to the doctor to get a physical is the best way to evaluate the physical state of your body. You will be able to know if you are healthy or you need to either gain or lose weight, the level of your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and if you are lacking anything that your body needs.

It is important to know the state of the physical being internally because this might actually save your life and being smaller as a person does not necessarily mean that you are healthy you may have certain problems that you need to fix and you might actually be too small to be healthy.

It is advisable for everyone to get a physical examination with their doctor at least once a year and for males to have male related exams and females have female related exams. Implementing this into your lifestyle will keep you healthy and aware of what is happening inside your body not just what is happening on the outside.

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