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Energy Hacks For Exploding Your Energy Reserves


Whatever your challenge is, are you scrambling to get into shape, or remain in shape, and feel vibrant with limitless energy and exuberance for life on a day-to-day basis while wrestling with an incessant workload, travel agenda, or debilitating sickness?

You are able to be vibrant, full of vigor, healthy and enthusiastic – and live a rich, happy life meeting all of your deadlines while overpowering major health challenges, or even jaunting around the country or the world.

Chapter 1: What In The World Is Unlimited Energy


As a person our can never run out of energy, our bodies are designed as machines and these machines run on energy, the energy we need comes from the food we eat but apart from that we can get our energy from the reserves stored in our body as fat. Our body stores excess energy as fat and we can transform the fat back into energy by using it up.

The Basics

We have unlimited energy because when our body energy is running low we can fuel up again and keep going. All energy comes from the ground, the food we eat comes from the plants we grow and these plants require minerals and nutrients from the ground. Even the meat that we eat requires the plants from the ground to sustain them. Energy is never lost but it is used up and transformed from different types.

Energy has many sources and when one source runs out then we can turn to alternative sources of energy. We can use this energy to make our lives more comfortable and we can even use this energy to better our lives.

If you are particularly feeling overweight instead of seeing yourself as fat you can see yourself as stored energy and to lose the weight you have to utilize the stored amount of energy.

The world has unlimited energy because it has many sources of energy and as we use the available sources we are creating new sources called bio energy. Bio energy is made from plants and animal fat and it solidifies in the ground as coal and this will be used later on as energy by other generations. This is a perfect example of why energy is unlimited.

Table Of Contents:

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