Part 13: Chapter 5
“Discover How To Attract Thousands Of Rabid Targeted Visitors To Your Site And Give Them And The Search Engines Exactly What They Both Want.”
Dear Friend,
It’s hard to watch your site just sit there and do nothing.
I’m not even talking about no sales or no income.
I’m talking about no visitors at all…..nothing…
You start to question yourself.
You start to wonder where you went wrong
You thought you spent your valuable time correctly researching and studying to come up with the correct great niche
You thought you had a site built which you were sure people would love.
You thought you did all the correct techniques like the blog and ping trick to get your site quickly listed in the search engines.
And then you sat there and waited for all the traffic that you were sure would arrive.
And then you waited…
And you waited…
And you waited…
It was then after not receiving any traffic that you started to question yourself.
How many of you can relate to this?
And you also know as well as I that no traffic to your site means no money.
Now believe me when I say this…
What people want from the internet is content. They want information. They want to solve a problem.
They don’t get on the internet and say, “I want to buy an ebook today.” or “I can’t wait to click on a Google ad so the owner of that site makes money.”
They are usually searching for one reason and one reason alone……content.
And let me tell you something that may shock you…
Search engines like Google don’t give a crap about you, your family or your business.
Search engines only want to give people what they are looking for.
Could it be that you have no visitors because you don’t have search engine friendly content?
Ask yourself this…
Do you have the specific information on your site that people search for?
Do you have information that the search engines also like?
Does your content contain the correct keywords and the keyword density that both your visitor and the search engines want?
Is your content fresh or the same public domain and re-used content that is on thousands and thousands of other sites?
Is your site “fresh”? Do you update your site or the same stale information month after month?
Did you know that search engines like to see a site that is growing and always adding new valuable content? They will rate a site that is growing above one that is not
Can you truthfully say that you are adding new content to your sites on a continual basis?
Wouldn’t you love to find out how you can do this?
Do you have any sites that could get banned?
What about big websites that have been created using software.
You know the sites that were created by using programs like Traffic Equalizer. With a click of a button, thousands of pages were created.
No matter what your opinion is of these sites, some are bringing in “Big Bucks” for a lot of people.
And that’s why these people are worried…
You have certainly heard or unfortunately even experienced the horror of seeing either your Google Adsence income drop to almost zero and seen your sites disappear from the search engines entirely.
You may have heard the stories of Google now employing hundreds of real people to check out sites. They have their fingers on the button that will either ban your site or keep your site in their search engines.
These “Spies” are looking for useless sites. They are looking for sites that give no real content to people searching. It’s their job to find these sites and kick them out of the search engines..
Is this fair?
Can they do this?
You bet they can. Google makes the rules and we have to live with them!
Have you heard the rumor that Google, when finding one of your generated sites, may now be simply going to that sites Adsense account and looking at all your other sites?
Have you heard of entire accounts being closed down, taking down an entire network of hundreds of sites and essentially putting some marketers out of business?
Can you believe this one…I have even heard of real made-by-hand sites getting kicked out and banned by search engines just because they looked like they didn’t offer any content.
Are you worried or even scared like thousands of other Internet Marketers that you may be next?
You and I both know what the solution is:
Fresh relevant real content is what you need!
Now let’s make sure we are clear on this…
- I’m not talking about crap content that is generated by a program that churns out thousands of pages in seconds. This is exactly what is getting banned.
- I’m not talking about RSS feeds that are pulling in the same content that are on thousands of other sites.
- I’m also not talking about these same RSS feeds that are now delivering spam and worthless ads instead of what they were originally intended for.
- I’m not talking about picking up free articles that are on hundreds of other free article directories and thousands of other websites.
- I’m not talking about these same free articles that are totally worthless as content since they are only thinly disguised ads for the author and they are usually just a bunch or words tossed together so the author receives links to their own sites all over the web.
Here are the kinds of article content you need on your sites to attract thousands of targeted visitors and to keep your sites from getting penalized or even banned by the search engines.
You need article content that is written not only on your subject but to be written in such a way to target a specific keyword. This is the way visitors find your content and you make money.
- You need articles that will not be found all over the web on thousands upon thousands of other sites.
- You need the ability to change the articles any way you want.
- You need real articles that are not thinly disguised ads. You need something written for your site and not the author’s site.
- Good content will bring visitors back to your sites. Repeat visitors mean repeat profits. Why spend all your time and money to attract a visitor for just one visit when you can have your visitors returning time and time again?
- What if you discovered a solution to all of these problems and you could solve them within minutes?
Using Lists Marketing to Create Fresh Content for Your Blog
It is NOT Easy to have Fresh content Post All the time, and there are thousands of Blogs talking or teaching, or sharing the same category topic information…So what can we do to get visitors to bookmark your blog and come back for more when they need to do some more research again?
So How to get them to bookmark your site and come back for more information, whenever they need more info…
Fresh Contents doesn’t mean is Good Information…
We need to have lots of good information on difference Category’s…
We need to have information, they give the right answers to what they looking for…
We need to provide a way to help them do research for information Quickly, and easy to get the answer fast…
That is why I recommend starting with a blog directory first to create enough information and let your visitors have a reason to bookmark your blog and remember your blog for their next research when they needed.
So How we going to provide this kind service to our visitors…?
The concept is very sample…
Why people search online?
To look for information to solve what they looking for…
What do search engines supply…?
A list of thousands of information, to help you to do your research…
Why lists marketing, is the way to go for…
Lists marketing is almost like a search engine, the only difference is you did the research first and you only share the best information on that category topic, which your visitors will appreciate your effort of sharing the content that they looking for and save them time on research for an answer…
Here are a few quick ways to build your new blog directory, with lists marketing.
If you are planning to start a new blog, follow the following steps to build your blog and get ready to share online with the public in a short period of time…
Step one: Build your category landing page, with articles lists…Click here to see example
Step 2: Share the Video’s Category…Click Here to see an example
Step 3: Share the eBooks Category…I forget to list them out, I will get the list done soon, but you still can share them in your blog, just put them all in the category on your blog and link them to your lists and redirect them to the main eBook page, like this one…Get eBook links here
Step 4: Research the category that interests you…and only share the content you like and put them in lists…
Here is how you do it…It is not like sharing RSS FEED, RSS FEED only gives you the latest post from the site you recommend…But it does not mean the latest post from that blog is always the right info…
Here is how we going to do it which make us different from another blog that uses RSS Feed for their content updates…
Explode Your Marketing Story Telling Power with the Right Strategy
The good news is that I have been researching and implementing marketing story-telling techniques for quite some time now. I’ve seen what works and I’ve seen what fails. I understand the proper context and proper messaging signals that successful marketers send and unsuccessful marketers completely ignore. If you want to achieve high conversion rates and increase the predictability of your online income, you need to tell stories the right way at the right time.
I have written a powerful guide that will blow your mind regarding the different story-telling options out there as well as the different implementation strategies you should adopt.
One thing is for sure, simply taking shots in the dark, is not going to cut it. You need to have a systematic and methodical way of weaving story-telling into your content and marketing initiatives -to maximize your success.
The way to do it, is like writing top 10 reviews on products or services…
All you do is research that category, find the best content on that topic, from different blogs, and rearrange the article’s contained in lists that relate to each other, with the titles and the best paragraph of the content you share…Here is an example…(I only use my content for this example…You can use difference Content from difference blog to create your lists into Articles List…)
Step 5: Share Each Other RSS FEED and List with your JV Blogger team member
Step 6: Share your Lists Category at Blog Directory like this one…Example…When You are Ready…
If your content is in difference Language, make sure to share your Article list at, so others JOINT VENTURE MEMBERS can share your Information Lists with their visitors and Guess…
That It for today Update…
Read Part 13: Chapter 6 / 11/10/2022 / Guides Is Ready at JV Members Area Level 3
How to profit from Lists Marketing with your Level 3 FTP Account Package…
Read Part 13: Chapter 6 New Update…Are You Ready to Invest Your Time and Partner with Me
Have Fun with it and start your Blogging Journeys with Lists Marketing…
Yours Sincerely,
Keng Ten
Part 9: Lists of Information to Help You Success in YOUR Online Business Journeys