If you use your time well during class, you would not be reviewing as much and those are hours added to your personal time. - What you control then out of the 168 hours is 60. Use it well. Many students will want to use that to improve their standing in class. And so they will devote time to studying more. If you allocate 4 hours each day for socializing and doing other personal things like jobs, attending extra curricular activities, writing letters, checking on e-mail etc you will still have 28 hours for the week that could be spent further on study periods or your personal time. That still leaves you with almost four hours a day. One is the way things and events affect us, the other is how we control them. - There is no such thing as organized clutter. Clutter is clutter and no matter how it is viewed, it is still disorganized. Employees who want to impress their bosses do this time and time again. There is no sense to it. Everything should be in their proper places, labeled, tagged and stocked except for that which is immediately being worked on. Assigning work time frames for each task, even if it is not so realistic at first can give you a good idea later on regarding the a more realistic approach. The idea is to start it off and stick it out. Be flexible. It always happen that when you are trying to do a good job or start on a significant one that will have a drastic effect, sooner or later something crops up to derail your effort. Simply start all over again because the most enduring and best learned skills are those that have been practiced with dedication a little at a time without giving up. Depending on your situation, obstacles can be the inability to say no, the desire to please taking on more tasks that are possible. It can be timidity to drop the phone first. The desire to come up with an honest well-evaluated program that could change the way things are being done in the workplace are often those that spelled progress. The line "we've always done it this way" may require better analysis if it really is still required at all. The parameters by which manager's use their time are also the parameters that they use on the rank and file.
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