Although some people may get confused about where to put which item at the start, most of them will probably get used to it in the long run. Aside from initiating a recycling campaign, it would also help if you start an environment club in your school, so more students and staff will be enticed to help oversee the campaign. You can also request your kid's school to initiate their own recycling programs. Trees not only serve as sources of paper or packaging materials, but also serve as a natural habitat for many birds and animals. They also provide us shade, fresh air, and prevent flooding too. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which affect the earth's temperature. During the 1970 s, rising energy costs and the oil embargo forced companies and governments to heavily invest in recycling initiatives. The idea of placing a recycling trailer behind the back of a waste management vehicle allowed for the easy collection of garbage and recyclable materials in most US cities. Hazardous or toxic wastes on the other hand, are waste materials that may cause death, serious injury and other serious health risks to man and other living creatures. In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other state departments manage and oversee the laws which regulate the disposal of hazardous wastes. Why Recycling Used Water is Important Water recycling is primarily done to turn back dirty water into something that s useful. While the thought of using recycled water may be offensive to some, recycled water actually has a lot of uses. It can be used for watering wetlands, crops, as well as for other industrial uses. Let's have a closer look at the benefits of recycling computers. Obsolete Computers Are a Good Source of Raw Materials Even if you're home computer is already one useless piece of equipment after a few years, it won't mean that it's totally useless. An obsolete computer actually serves as a wonderful source of useful raw materials.
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