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Here's Why China Is Killing The Global Recycling Industry


16 billion diapers, 1.6 billion pens, 220 million car tires, and 2 billion razor blades are discarded each year in the US alone. The United States is the number one garbage-producing nation in the planet, which amounts to an estimated 1,609 pounds of trash per person. A single quart of improperly disposed motor oil is enough to contaminate as much as 2 million gallons of fresh water. However, what happens when the PC you have at home becomes obsolete? Will you be simply throwing these down the landfill? Let's have a closer look at the benefits of recycling computers. Obsolete Computers Are a Good Source of Raw Materials Even if you're home computer is already one useless piece of equipment after a few years, it won't mean that it's totally useless. During these times where a lot of people worry about environmental issues such as pollution, global warming and the depletion of natural resources, recycling has become a way of life for many people. Many materials can be recycled, from paper, glass, metal, aluminum, clothing, textiles, electronic goods, to light bulbs and even used water. Hazardous Waste Cannot Be Disposed By Conventional Means Hazardous wastes come in different physical states, from liquid, solid, gaseous and others. These types of wastes cannot simply be disposed through conventional garbage disposal methods, and depending on their physical composition, a specialized treatment or disposal process may need to be done. - At home, encourage family members to use both sides of paper. Educate your kids and other family members about the importance of paper recycling, and teach your children to bring home the paper they used in school, instead of throwing them. You can also request your kid's school to initiate their own recycling programs. While some critics counter that recycling creates jobs that offer low pay and terrible working conditions, recycling advocates stress that the jobs involving the recovery or processing of raw materials such as in mining or timber production, are actually more dangerous than recycling jobs. Mining, timber extraction and other raw material sourcing activities also often result in creating deplorable conditions for both workers and the surrounding communities. 

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