Proponents of recycling also tress that the need to use a second timber or logging truck is defrayed when paper is collected and used for recycled. The US Environmental Protection Agency also notes that recycling aluminum cans for example saves 95 percent energy as compared to producing aluminum cans from bauxite, its virgin source. During these times where a lot of people worry about environmental issues such as pollution, global warming and the depletion of natural resources, recycling has become a way of life for many people. Many materials can be recycled, from paper, glass, metal, aluminum, clothing, textiles, electronic goods, to light bulbs and even used water. The Dow Chemical Corporation owns the trademark for the product, and this is used for a wide range of applications. Among these include insulated sheathing, pipe insulation, packaging and craft applications. Styrofoam is also placed under roads and other structures to prevent freezing, thawing and other soil disturbances. Cities like Gallup, New Mexico have recycling initiatives where residents are paid one cent for each pound of plastic bottle they turn-over for recycling. Positive Recycling Facts And Figures To Cheer About The last time the US Environment Protection Agency released data regarding The national recycling data was way back in 2005. Which Types Of Cardboard Can Be Recycled? According to recycling experts, two types of cardboard can be recycled. These are flat cardboard and corrugated cardboard. Flat cardboard is generally used in packing cereal and shoe boxes, while corrugated cardboard is often used in packing boxes, because it has a ruffled layer between two pieces of cardboard. This has prompted the National Electrical Manufacturers Association in the US to voluntary cap the amount of mercury placed in each CFL unit. The European Union has also required lighting manufacturers to cap their CFL mercury content too. The US Environmental Protection Agency also estimates that if all CFL s produced in the US were dumped in landfills, this would amount to 0.13 metric tons, or 0.1% of all mercury emissions in the US.
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