Or was it more of a slurred just audible whisper before the wine took over and he fell asleep on the sofa? For the couple, the marriage proposal is the start of the wedding. It’s the catalyst that starts a chain of events, which will lead to one of the most stressful, yet treasured, days in a woman’s life. The first one is Intellectual intimacy. Intellectual intimacy is not about discussing highly intellectual ideas but just simple thoughts about food, finances, health, crime, work, politics all the things that are affecting your lives. Much of our lives involve doing social intimacy that is spending time around events in our lives together or experiencing events separately but sharing through open communication. This can strengthen your bond, and also clear the way for deeper feelings for one another. Having patience will be essential in saving your marriage, and it’s important to maintain balance and perspective if any conflict arises. Patience also involves listening to one another during an argument, and letting each other share views on a subject. True happiness is an attitude of noticing the good constantly coming our way. You will find that there is so much good coming every minute, there is no need to hand onto the past. We need to grasp onto a rope to keep ourselves from drowning even on dry land. The trick to finding happiness in our own lives and that of our marriage is to get into the habit of looking for good things, instead of griping all day about everything that has gone wrong. As the world becomes a smaller place and people increasingly move around from country to country, the diversity of cultures doesn’t necessarily mean that mixed marriages are always the way things go for a minority group in any country. Arranged marriages are still a strong part of many cultures where the parents of a child being raised in a country other than the one of their parents’ birth is legally bound to marry someone of their parents’ choosing – often still residing in the homeland. The Question continues with each party to the marriage being asked whether they promise to love, comfort, honor, and keep the other for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. This is also the part of the ceremony where the couple are asked whether they will be faithful to each other so long as they both shall live.
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