Some alternate cures available to the people are: 1) Acupuncture - This therapy is based on the life force and is known as Qi (comes from chi of Chinese) It is proved that the imbalance in a person's Qi can result in various ails. Acupuncturists try to remove this imbalance with the help of thin needles especially used for this purpose. 3) Unidentified reason: The correct reason behind the Irritable Bowel Syndrome is still not clear. Even so it has been determined that the symptoms can be induced by several causes. Though there is no hard and fast remedy for the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, there are several facts that the person can do in order to reduce the impact of the indications. But we need to be careful about the neonates as only small thrust shall be made when doing this kind of therapy. What is the reason for taking mind also into consideration while treating the Irritable Bowel Syndrome? This is mainly due to the fact IBS usually have outcome both mentally and emotionally i. In some cases the symptoms characterizing Irritable bowel syndrome may even intervene with a person's life. Diarrhea and abdominal pain are such symptoms of the syndrome that can result in enough mental turmoil for a person that he would certainly seek some other's help. How a person can get relieved from the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome 1) Analyzing the symptoms - In order for the symptoms to be controlled, it is essential to know about these symptoms. The scientific data taken for IBS will show an alteration in the frequency of stools or an abnormal stool which infers that it can be either 3 times a day or less than 3 times a week. If a person is having an abrupt change in the stool frequency, then it could be one of th symptom for irritable bowel Syndrome. Diarrhea prevailed IBS (IBS-D) - This type of syndrome is restricted by the symptoms related to Diarrhea a)Urgency to excrete-Whenever they want to go faces person will hurry to bathroom when they need to defecate. Irritable Bowel Syndrome can cause very discomfort feeling especially when a person is having any employment b) Watery stools - The faces excreted by the person from the body will be filled with excess amount of water and will be very loose and will contain a type of liquid c) Abnormality in movement of bowels- A person who have IBS -D has to evacuate his belly three to four times a day ,which can cause dehydration .
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