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WE ARE HOMESCHOOLING AGAIN + Curriculum Unboxing // 2021-2022 School Year


Also, most public school educational systems does not allow for customization of teaching styles to cater to your child or children's needs as well as foster an environment for learning that is best suited for your child or children. For these reasons, non traditional home schooling education is gaining popularity and perhaps it won't be long before this non traditional method will be considered mainstream. Also, home schooled children will still go on field trips or other social activities that the parent-teacher will plan, as well as learn music and physical education, among other things. There are many reasons as to why a parent may decide to home school their child or children and some reasons may include the fact that traditional schools have their own philosophy and set of values that they teach to their students, so much so that certain basic lessons will be taught with certain slants toward their own preference. It may have been hard to believe, but there were times long ago that most countries were not capable of having the younger population educated. Then it was an absolute necessity for parents to have their children home schooled. Back then, sometime between the 18th and 19th centuries, home schooling was the primary educational force that has helped advance every child's learning until he grew up into an adult. The reason for its newfound resurgence may be the fact that more and more parents would want to personally look over the education of their children. This way, parents will be able to oversee what their children learn and be able to teach subjects that really matter. Home schooling also enables a student to be educated in a very comfortable and familiar environment their own home. It can provide parents with a choice on how to effectively educate their children. As home schooling is fast getting the approval of more and more people, it becomes a very attractive option made available for you and your children. With your children's future in mind, having different options can be a good thing. No fix schedule Because the program is done at home with parents as teachers, there is no need for a fix time schedule. This does not however mean that they won t learn the discipline of rising early in bed and adhering to a time-schedule. In homeschooling, lessons may start at a specific time but it may end whenever the child is through. 

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