Before you file for bankruptcy, remember that bankruptcy is not an easy way out of your financial mess, because it will have serious implications on your credit record, and will also seriously hamper your business dealings with other people. Bankruptcy Lowers Credit Scores Whenever a person files for bankruptcy, their credit score will automatically get a 200-point deduction, and this greatly affects their chances of availing for different loans. The Importance Of Credit Scores A person s credit score is drawn from the credit report. The score determines how credit-worthy and financially responsible he or she is. A high score usually allows you easy access to different forms of credit, while a poor score limits your financing options. Because your credit report greatly influences how you re able to get a home mortgage or get a job, you need to protect your credit rating, by making all your bill and loan payments on time regularly. The truth is that the major credit bureaus, from Experian, Equifax to TransUnion all have a different term for the same score. TransUnion for example, calls it the Empirica, while Experian calls it the Experian/Honest Isaac Risk Model. While these major companies have different names for the credit score, they still use the same formula for coming up with it. With the mortgage crisis still lingering in the midst, and with interest rates continuing to soar, many are thinking of better ways for keeping their finances afloat during these dark economic times. Here are five surefire tips for keeping your credit afloat during a crisis. Keep Your Credit Score High One of the best defenses during a crippling economic crisis is by keeping your credit score high. Make Sure Each Report Is Not Past The 7-Year Limit Once you get a copy of your credit report from the major credit agencies, compare each of the reports, and ensure that these are not past the seven year limit for reporting of any errors or negative information. Also determine if the status and delinquency dates are not incorrectly noted. Another way for building a solid business credit profile is through estbalishing a payment history. You can safely do this by regularly making purchases using your credit card, so that you can build-up a good payment track record. The longer, and more timely your payment history becomes,the stronger will your business credit profile get.
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