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Coca-Cola/Santa board. CNC inlay. Wood inlay.

Where precise-fitting assemblies (dados, rabbets, inlays, arches, bas relief carvings) used to be difficult to produce using the traditional tools, CNC technology did all of them quickly and efficiently. Templates and versions Knock-down furniture pieces are notorious for being very time-consuming in designing and getting the parts together perfectly. Products that take multiple steps to produce are now quickly finished. This translates into savings in time and money and consequently increases profits. The top consideration, of course, is the ratio of safety. Since the entire machining is automated, the operator is kept out of harm s way and assures his safety. It was only a matter of time when software programs like CNC and ShopBots would dominate the manual-driven industry of woodworking. What is CNC? What is ShopBot? CNC is short for Computer Numerical Control which is a method widely employed in modern woodworking business (and related production work) where a computer program controls the action of the machines used in all the work aspects. CAD for woodworking Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is the software needed to design such objects as disparate as a piece of furniture or the space shuttle. The program provides capabilities like zooming, rotating, copying, stretching and so many other commands. Some have template libraries as well as applications for shading, texturing, and simulated 3-D. Choose a CNC model that is easy to set up, easy for all operators to understand and use, and straightforward enough to change over or configure for the next task. Fears and facts There is a baseless misconception among small shop owners that a machine not in operation all day is a wasted investment. Would a CNC machine be a good investment nevertheless? Buy a software that would be compatible with your machine in terms of what your machine is capable of. Since the software would be controlling the operation of the CNC machine, getting the program that would maximize the machine is important. Make sure you will be getting the software that does not exceed what your machine could do and handle. 

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