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MAGNIFICENT Ballroom Dance Auditions | Amazing Auditions

In Italy the dance was called the Volta, in France the Volte, Germans called it the Weller and in Austria the dance was known as the Landler. Although they probably all had some influence on the modern Waltz, at some point the Landler's hopping movement became more of a gliding motion, which is why the Landler more than the others, is sometimes considered the forerunner of the modern Waltz. Latin American ballroom is short for Latin and American - not a reference to Latin countries. . The modern ballroom dances vary in tempo (beats per minute) and rhythm (structure); however, they all involve a couple dancing in a closed hold. A closed hold involves 5 bodily points of contact between the couple. It has become a popular worldwide pastime, thanks to the media bringing it back into the spotlight with shows like "Dancing with the Stars." It wasn't long after the first season that the dance craze soon swept over America, with more and more people choosing to learn to dance. However, ballroom dancing is certainly nothing new and has quite an extensive background. The Samba originated with Brazil's Rio Carnival and is comprised of several different South American dances. While walking and side steps are the main moves with heavy hitting rhythm and lots of hip action the Samba is the perfect party dance. Slaves imported into Portugal in the 16th century brought along their dances (a few of which are the Catarete, Embolada and the Batuque). Several American styles also are adorned with feathers, but are not the essential accent of the ballroom dress. Most international ballroom gowns are designed for appearance from one angle - either they look appealing from the front or back, but not usually both. You're most likely to find that American ballroom dresses are accented with sequins or jewels, and come in a variety of lengths. Berlin's "Take My Breath Away" and Shakira's "Underneath Your Clothes" are excellent choices for the foxtrot. Although not the last of the ballroom dances, the cha cha is a very lively and even flirty style of dance. It is also fast-paced and combines a lot of hip action with quick footsteps. 

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