You must remember though to plan the schedule of your massage appropriately, Although you can start your day with a massage using an aromatherapy massage oil, remember that you should not bathe at least 8 hours after your session to allow the aromatherapy massage oil to be fully absorbed by the body. When everything is ready, all the person has to do is get in the tub. Some people have tried using scented candles that has the same scent as the bath salts and a soft CD playing in the background to make the room feel comfortable. The person should relax and just lie there for the skin to be able to absorb the healing properties of the oil. Experts say that the primary functional groups of the essential oils that are being used in aromatherapy today include Monoterpenes, Esters, Aldehydes, Ketones, Oxides, Alcohols, and Phenols. Monoterpenes are those aromatherapy essential oils that contain bactericidal, anti-viral, and antiseptic properties that can cause skin irritation when not used properly. Aromatherapy candles can also help you celebrate the innate beauty of the by stimulating and inspiring the senses and the mind. But since candles can easily cause fire, proper use should be primarily considered upon using it. 5. Aromatherapy bath and body products. Aside from candles, aromatherapy bath and body products are also popular especially for women. But, due to the emergence of modern science in the field of medicine, this tradition of healing using natural resources have slowly disappeared. But today, with the trend of going back to the natural and to the basic, aromatherapy is becoming quite popular in the world of healing because of its therapeutic properties. It is a good thing that there are scented candles that has the scents of Bergamot and Sandalwood so the person can be calm once again. Bergamot is also used as an anti-depressant. The person will realize later on that an extract from a particular tree or a plant can sometimes be used for something else.
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