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KJV & PSALM 91 Guided Sleep Meditation to Overcome Anxiety, Depression & Insomnia For Deep Sleep

They will most likely not be that serious, but they will happen. So what occurs during a panic attack? When a person panics, the body is essentially triggering a “fight or flight” response to the source of the attack. In most cases this drastic reaction is not needed and has no outlet once it is started. A release of chemicals into a persons system will cause an extreme reaction to the situation. An anxiety panic attack occurs when the chemicals are triggered by a reactive stressor. There is no need for it, but the body assumes there is some danger it must react to, this is a panic attack. An anxiety panic attack can be marked by many key factors. It can also lead to an increased chance of causing depression, which can just cause more problems for any panic sufferer. In some cases the excess consumption of alcohol can be one of the main causes of frequent panic attacks. The depressing affect of the alcohol can cause a person to dwell on the unwanted stressors that trigger their panics. Fight or Flight Mechanism When we sense danger, the body prepares itself to either fight or run away. This is known as fight or flight mechanism. This mechanism is triggered mostly by a part of the brain called Amygdale. Sometimes the brain misunderstands the message and a situation and translated it as dangerous when it is not in reality. Results By using the options that work for you to help control your panic attacks, you are able to live a life that is free of suffering from constantly being consumed with fear of your next panic attack. You can also use what you know to help others that may be in the same position you were in before you found the proper help. The best way known to treat GAD is through relaxation techniques and therapy. Generally talking children out of their worrying can work wonders, but a trained mental health physician is usually the best prepared to encounter such a disorder. Children are taught to use positive self-talk instead of the discouraging words of worry and are taught to generate a dialogue with others to explore their feelings. 

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