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Dear Anxiety || Spoken Word

The heart races, the blood quickens, the eyes function differently, senses are heightened, and other parts of the body begin to react in other ways such as muscles tightening, etc. Anxiety attack heart difficulties can arise from the heart being told to work too fast by the brain, which is in charge of the “fight or flight” mechanism. However, the scientists have found out the cause of anxiety attacks are: Brian Biochemistry or chemical imbalance There are two primary neurotransmitters; serotonin and dopamine, that affect a person’s feeling. Any imbalance of these chemicals can provoke a cause of anxiety attack expressed through feeling depressed or sad. Because so many symptoms that are realized during an anxiety attack are similar if not exactly like those of some other kind of condition, it is almost impossible to determine if what you have been feeling is due to an anxiety attack, or another condition. This is why it’s important to see a doctor and explain your symptoms, so that your physician can run the necessary tests in determining whether you have an underlying medical condition. There are some signs or “red flags” to consider when determining if you are a candidate for a mental health professional that include: feeling unable to work, feeling unable to keep your normal behavior patterns or appearance or hygiene patterns, cutting off social connections, trouble sleeping, trouble eating, and trouble bathing. Health care professionals are learning that the instances of panic attack and depression coinciding together are more common that thought. While not everyone who is depressed will have panic attacks, many people who suffer from panic may very well be depressed. There are certain SSRI antidepressants on the market today that are specifically recommended for use in treating anxiety along with depression. Even with all the preventative medicine in the world, most panic attack sufferers will experience attacks from time to time. They will most likely not be that serious, but they will happen. So what occurs during a panic attack? When a person panics, the body is essentially triggering a “fight or flight” response to the source of the attack. 

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