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Are ANTIOXIDANTS BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reviews The TRUTH)

Although Vitamin C antioxidant supplements didn't look as though it could reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease, it didn't have any adverse effects either. In fact, Vitamin C might even provide some protection against loss of sight associated with cataracts in older people. So far the most promising of all antioxidant supplements is Vitamin E, especially when it comes to working against heart disease. Some of the basic food groups that prove to be rich sources of antioxidant vitamins are the following: Breads, cereals, pasta, and starchy vegetables (such as potatoes, yam, squash, etc.) Fruits and vegetables Fat-free milk and low-fat dairy products Lean meat, fish, and poultry Incidentally, if you pattern your diet after this basic food group, you not only ingest a high level of natural antioxidant vitamins, but you also keep fat buildup in your body. One of the studies shows that part of the dietary antioxidant qualities of honey has preservative properties that work on meat without compromising the taste. Based on a work done on human blood in the lab, a recently published study says that the dietary antioxidants present in honey slow the oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL). Herbal Antioxidant The process of oxidation is where it all begins. The minute your body starts to process oxygen in order to produce energy is the first step to potentially developing a disease or starting the slow process of aging. It's normal and it is a part of life. Certainly, it can't be completely dispelled. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical substances which are produced whenever our body undergoes the process of oxidation, e.g. breathing. When free radicals are released, they immediately latch unto other molecules, stealing their electrons and in so doing, turning them into unstable molecules like themselves. Oxidation is a vital part of life. But as vital as oxidation is, it can also have some negative effects on the body. During the process of oxidation, highly unstable substances called free radicals are produced. These free radicals react with other molecules in the cell by stealing their electrons and turning them into free radicals like themselves. 

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