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One of the most stressful things about attending college is figuring out how to afford it. Paying for college doesn’t have to be impossible and students don’t have to be wealthy in order to get a quality education.

There are a number of ways that almost anyone can afford to pursue the career of their dreams with the education they deserve.

Many traditional colleges and universities offer a convenient payment plan, which can be divided up into 10-12 months. After determining the entire yearly cost, that figure would be divided by the number of monthly payments and paid at the college’s billing office. Payments are usually determined from one year to the next and students must finish paying for one year of college before entering into a payment arrangement for the next. An example would be a college that would cost $12,000.00 per year in courses, meals and living on campus. In this scenario, many students can pay $1,000.00 per months for one year. For many families, a payment plan is much easier than trying to come up with a lump sum payment upfront.

Every year, many students qualify for federal student loans. Applications and information can be obtained at a high school guidance counselor’s office and/or the college of interest’s billing office. Applications for student loans are accepted each year and are generally required to be submitted at, or near, each new year. In order to be considered, student’s must be willing and able to provide documented income for themselves and their family so that their loan application can be properly assessed.

Local businesses, organizations and even colleges often provide scholarships to students who they believe will excel at college studies. These scholarships are usually available to high school seniors and are based on a number of factors, including grades, participation in school activities, employment and a personal interview. In order to be considered for a scholarship, students must apply by obtaining an application at their high school guidance counselor’s office or from the organization granting the scholarship.

For students who are not eligible for the above options, but still want to attend college, there is an alternate option that will gradually help them to work toward their degree. College courses are offered at a certain cost, which is calculated on a credit hour basis. Many colleges allow students to enroll in several classes without becoming a full-time student and being required to pay the full tuition. These students can often pay as they go, which means they only pay for the course(s) they are taking at the time and this will be a much more affordable way to pay for college. It will take longer to obtain a degree, but anything worth having is worth waiting for.

Anyone who wants extra cash to pay for college may find that a part-time job will help, along with selling items at online auction sites, such as eBay and Yahoo. Many students have financed their college tuition through these auction sites without taking too much time away from their studies.

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