Please Spread the love to Share x10 TV and with Others



NEW FREE JV Blogger Reseller Ads Package is Going be Ready FOR YOU to Market It’s…Plus You Also get incentive with your Referral Bonus ID…to “Build YOUR OWN JV Bloggers Team”…


Now Here’s A Sure FREE Ways To Get The JUMP On Your Competition & Start Making More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Surprise I got an Better Idea That you can Earn 100% Profits with your classifiers ads, Rotation ads, Pop up ads, Static Ads and Keep all the profits…Plus I will send traffics to YOU…All can be done for FREE…Make sure you come back here on the 10/June/2024…Class…Scroll Down to the bottom for the latest update and you will know WHY…

I will Show you How to Earn 50% Commission with Affiliate Program in all Languages…Start with English Blog…First…

It Doesn’t Matter Whether You’ve Ever Joined A Matrix Program In The Past Or Not… Because Now You Can Join This Unique New Free JV Blogger Company Matrix Pay Plan SYSTEM & Be On The MOST PROFITABLE SIDE OF THE EQUATION!

This is NOT a Matrix Program…This is a FREE COMPANY Matrix PAY PLAN SYSTEM

NO Investment NEEDED…I mean NOT EVEN a PENNY…
Our unique FREE JV Company matrix system keeps working continually to ensure our members are in a positive position pocketing profits month after month. With program longevity planned in advance, and stealth tactics included in our compensation plan, JV Blogger Program is formulated to continue to grow and prosper over time.

From the Desk of Keng Ten, CEO and

In today’s society, there’s a strong demand for affordable online programs that provide member’s with quality advertising and newly released products that they can put to good use, as well as a way to make referral commissions quickly and easily that create a reliable, regular income.

If you’re tired of joining programs that don’t end up making you any money… then you really need to keep reading, because you won’t be disappointed with the results you can achieve with our program.

We developed this Company matrix system to take the hard work out of promoting and building a downline, while making it simple and straightforward for members to make money several ways in a short period of time — with little effort.

bulletCapture your prospect’s attention with an intriguing new script that network marketers will jump over each other to join!
bulletEarn an Incentive credit from Your JV referrals team matching bonus of $50 incentive credit when ever your referrals get their Reseller Ads Package for their Sponsor.
bulletReceive a whopping US$150 CASH…when you sell a Reseller Ads Package. (FREE ways to do for this process!)
bulletYou’ll receive a Tracking ID for all Languages Categories that you can redirect with and gain impression for your own Advertise here Landing Page…Get your Tracking ID Here…
bulletThe money doesn’t stop there… Keep referring and get to be the top earner of all Your referrals JV Blogger in your Team…a massive $5 in incentive credit for all your referrals sell a Reseller Ads Package! (That doesn’t include matching bonuses of $50 incentive credit when ever your JV Team referrals get their Reseller Ads Package for their Sponsor.!) You get pay 10×10 Level Deep, on all Reseller Ads Package Position…That you sell…YOU CAN TRADE THEM for “Reseller Ads Package” and turn them into CASH…This is like Unlimited Profits Opportunity…???
JV Blogger Mega Cash Team Project 1

Ever Been In A Matrix Program That Stalled?
That’s NOT Going To Happen Here with our FREE JV Company Matrix Pay Plan SYSTEM Because We’ve Taken Measures Against That!


Here’s how our program works: More Update on 10/May/2024 / Get Your City Blog Ready and I show you how to prepare your Order Form…Remember You Get Pay First from YOUR SPONSORS…Than you Pay Me…

Your New Update FREE Local City BlogWith Your JV Blogger Incentive Referral Bonus Tracking ID

JV Blogger’s Member Site is 90% Completed…NOW…It’s Open for Sign up to Joint Us Together…

If You Want To…Click Here to Be The First One Willing to Take the FREE OFFERS to INVEST IN YOURSELF…

Update for landing page that YOUR International Blog Lists Page will be Rotate evenly with the refer impression you gain from sharing categories…Remember to check this page for UPDATERedirection page…Just Update 2/8/2024

Let Save Some Money Together from the Transition Fee…and Lesser Paper Work…

Are YOU a “DEPTH” Marketer…?


If You NEW HERE Start Reading In Your Languages From Part 10…

Click Hereand YOU Will Never Regard…Reading IT”S…

Teach Your KIDS when They YOUNG…Before They DON”T HAVE the Patience TO Listen TO YOU…

Because They Have their OWN DREAM… 🙂


A SHORT UPDATE for JV BLOGGER LEVEL 1 CLASS Start on 10/ May / 2024

You Be Learning How to Prepare for the coming Reseller Ads Package Release on 25 / May / 2024...That I hope by then, I have A TEAM of Joint Venture Blogger to Make IS HAPPEN FOR EVERYONE to PROFITS TOGETHER…and Create Some Retirement FUND…for US…AS a JV BLOGGER’s…That’s Include YOU…

Class is Held in the Joint Venture Blogger LEVEL 1 CLASS Start on 10/ May / 2024…at the Member Bonus Class Section…

Total 4 Level Classes, Every LEVEL you ACHIEVE YOU Open the NEXT LEVEL Bonus CLASS…

Click Here to Check Out the GAME PLAN for OUR SPONSORS Ads Package…Basic, Advance and Professional Package DEALS…

SEE YOU Later at My Class…Click Here to Be a FREE JV BLOGGER Now…


Remember…YOUR Commission PROFITS GO with the ADS PACKGE %%%…GROWING RATE…

Yours’s Sincerely,

Keng Ten

Admin JV Partners

Think About This…



LET’s…Start Digging the MINE…Before Someone DO

WE Are Losing Profits Every DAY…SEE IT PAST BY…Every Day…


JUST 2 HOURS a WEEK…and TELL 1 PERSON a DAY to DO Research at YOUR X10.Website JV Member BLOG with YOUR Tracking ID…

Remember Limited SPOTS…

DON”T WORRY…We NOT Lying to ANYONE…I Already Take Care of ALL the PROBLEMS…I am Here to HELP…YOU To Do It For FREE…The Simple Ways…

Click Here to Be a FREE JV BLOGGER Now…


What You Get for JV Blogger Mega Cash Team Level 1 Class

Learning the System…Of Preparations

10/May/2024 Update…It Time to GET Prepare…This Week Home Work…

I Hope You Got Your Research Prepare for your Blogs…

It Time To Build YOUR LISTS with X10 TV Collections…

So That you Can Start Renting OUT SPOTS…In Your Blogs…

Lets Start With Your Google BlogSpot’s First…Example First Step

Step 2 ExampleStep 3 ExampleStep 4 Example

Step 5 ExampleStep 6 Example…Sign Up with Joint Ventures Mega Cash Team Members Club and Start Building Your Team…So that You Can Earn Some Bounces Incentive…Join As a Free Members and Start Creating your Team…While I fixing the order Form and Bounces Incentive Pay Plan…and Tracking ID…

The Example First Step will be rotate as a Languages Search Language Landing Page…For Each Difference Main Categories Like Choose / Articles – eBooks – YouTube – Stories Book – Music – Movies & TV Series / It All Depend what Main Categories You Choose

Try Putting them Together…and I Will Releases the Full 6 Steps Information on the 15/May/2024

Class 1: Preparations / Class 2: Organizing / Class 3: Package / Class 4: Marketing your Services

OH YEAH I Forgot Here is the HTML Code for your Lefts Colum Category and Rights Colum…For the Categories Temporary use my…Then You Can change the link whenever you got the Category Lists Done…

If Your Blog is in Difference Languages Click Here and Choose the Languages you want, Copy the Translated Language and Paste it in Your Text HTML Editor than copy the HTML Code From the Text HTML Editor to the Lift Colum…

If You Are doing the Category Lists Page, Just change the Category URL to your lists page links…Click Here than click on the category to the lists page and translate the lists to your language copy the lists and paste it in your blog lists post page…


For The RSS FEED Section in your lists page, use the Following RSS Code, I will show you how to do it with sponsor Tracking ID Later…Install the RSS FEED plugin “RSS Feed Retriever” first than use the following RSS FEED CODE…

[wp_rss_retriever url="" items="15" excerpt="100" read_more="true" dofollow="true" orderby="random" credits="false" new_window="true" thumbnail="false" cache="12 hours"]

If You Done with Your Category Contents Lists copy them in Google Sliders it going be show in the main Languages Search Landing Page…It going be 6 Sliders when you start sharing every JV Bloggers posts lists in your Blog and Google Sliders Articles – eBooks – YouTube – Stories Book – Music – Movies & TV Series / It All Depend what Main Categories You Choose to share…add your PDF Download Links in your Sliders so your visitors can download them, for easier future research…

Just down load your Google Slider as PDF File…Then upload it to Google Drive…Then Click Publish copy PDF Link and paste it the link in your google slider “Download Name URL” again and publisher it…

That’s it… Your Got you Presentations Categories or Posts Title Lists Slider Done…Or BOTH

Next If you have your own posts create a Title Lists Google Sliders with Ember Code provide so others JV Bloggers Can share your posts in their blog…So whenever you update your posts it update on their blog too…And It Part of Your Local Classifier Ads Package offers…

Get All this done…You will be start posting it in…And in this Redirection Landing page…

Click Here to Check it out…Still need some improvement…from your posts…

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

For Rights Colum / Sponsor Text Rotation Ads is Temporary in English, I Will give you the HTML CODE for each Difference Languages Text Ads…

Lefts Colum / Categories

Use the following code when you Replace Your Category Lists page Link and the Category Name with your Languages

<a href="index1.php" target=_blank>Category Name</a>

Rights Colum / Sponsor Rotation Ads

<iframe src="" width=480 height=55000 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling="yes"></iframe>

Bottom Center After Post / SPONSOR ADS Sponsors Professional Presentation Advise or Discounts Deals Offers

<iframe src="" width=100% height=99000px marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling="no"></iframe>

Next Will Be Your Google Slider landing pageto Redirect to your Categories Lists Page post in your Blog

It will be share under the Languages Link for this Example if someone click on the Languages they choose the visitors will be redirected to One of us JV Bloggers main Google Slider landing page with the options to Choose / Articles – eBooks – YouTube – Stories Book – Music – Movies & TV Series / This is an example if click on English / The Editor post page will be ready in the JV Members posts page…coming 18/May/2024…That you can start posting Your Main Redirect Google Slider landing page…

Class 2: Organizing 18/May/2024…Early Update…

Now you Should have Example First Step If you Have all 6 of them…Then you have 6 landing page…Choose / Articles – eBooks – YouTube – Stories Book – Music – Movies & TV Series / This is an example if click on English…I recommend to have them in 6 Google blogger blogs…then 1 blogger blog…that way in future it will be easier for you to maintain with your Sponsors ads package that you going to insert them…also easier to navigate your blog…

Now put those 6 Blogs URL Link in the slider…Like is one…

After you do that it time to sign out as a FREE JV Blogger Mega Cash Team Club Members…To Get ready to Post your Sponsor Ads Package offers with your Referral Links…also for your JV Bloggers Team Members for the Bonus Incentive…Click Here to get Ready to Market your Offers…on the 25/May/2024…

19/May/2024 JV Bloggers Business Club Pay You to be OUR CLUB Members for PRE…GRAND OPENING…

JV Bloggers Referral Bonus Incentive Pay Plan Early Update Offers…Start Now…19/May/2024

YOU Get Pay By Incentive Credits By Building YOUR TEAM

That’s Incentive Credits Can Be Trade for Reseller Ads Package that YOUR SOLD…in to Cash…$$$…

IT’s a FREE Ways to Build a TEAM

Here is How It Works…

It’s a 4 cycle Incentive Credits Pay Plan

How to Get 1st level incentive Pay Plan Started:

When you sign up you will receive a confirm email from, after confirming Login and start additive at the JV Members Purchase page and choose level 1…You Get a Free sign up Team Spots…

For Each Referral to become your team that get a Team Spots too…When you reach 7 in your team…You Get 70 Bonus Incentive Credits…That’s Trading Value at US$70.00…and every of your Team reach 7 in their Team you get Matching Bonus of 70 Bonus Incentive…

After in Have 7 in YOUR TEWAM you move up to Level 2…

Same 70 Bonus Incentive Credits Pay Plan…When you reach 7 in your team…You Get 70 Bonus Incentive That’s Trading Value at US$70.00…and every of your Team reach 7 in their Team you get Matching Bonus of 70 Bonus Incentive…

After in Have 7 in YOUR TEWAM you move up to Level 3…

Same 70 Bonus Incentive Credits Pay Plan…When you reach 7 in your team…You Get 70 Bonus Incentive That’s Trading Value at US$70.00…and every of your Team reach 7 in their Team you get Matching Bonus of 70 Bonus Incentive…

After in Have 7 in YOUR TEWAM you move up to Level 4…

Same 70 Bonus Incentive Credits Pay Plan…When you reach 7 in your team…You Get 70 Bonus Incentive That’s Trading Value at US$70.00…and every of your Team reach 7 in their Team you get Matching Bonus of 70 Bonus Incentive…

After in Have 7 in YOUR TEWAM you move up to Level 5…Admin Partners…

Every 7 Reseller Ads Package Sale you make YOU GET 1 Reseller Ads Package Bonus Incentive Credits Pay Plan at the same value as the Reseller Ads Package…and every of Your Admin Partners Team reach 7 Reseller Ads Package Sale you get Matching Bonus 1 Reseller Ads Package Bonus Incentive Credits…TOO

Don’t Forget You Also Get 50 Bonus Incentive Credits for every sale from your team downline every sale’s…Value at US$50.00 Ads Package trading credits…

Remember the Incentive Bonus trading credits…Only Can Be use in JV Bloggers Mega Cash Team Members CLUB Offers…

PLUS the 10×10 Level Per Sale spots that you get 5 Bonus Incentive Credits on every sale YOU and YOUR Team Sales

Click Here and SEE YOU in the MEGA CASH TEAM Members CLUB

Start Now…19/May/2024

23/May/2024 Update

The Following are an Example of your sponsors Presentation you going to put together…Don’t Worry It Going be Easy…I will show you how after I package the Ads Package…

Remember Your Can Offers More Advance JOB to Your Sponsors and Keep 100% Profits for Your TEAM…

I Hope you have learn how to do P.O.P. By now…

Class 1: Preparations / Class 2: Organizing / Class 3: Package / Class 4: Marketing your Services

Class 1: Preparations is the Most important Part…You Need to Plans all the need you want to put together a project or projects…

Class 2: Organizing is to put all your Preparations in parts that relate to easy others…

Class 3: Package is to put all the parts together to Create Benefits and Value of each related partsOffers Pricing

Class 4: Marketing your Services…with your Benefits and Value...

You SEE How EASY to Explain Everything’s NOW…Because of Preparations

Now You see how the Google Slider Presentation…It Time to Build Your Niches and test marketing it…

You See the Slider In Between each Page is a Spot to Rent Out…Just Build As Many as you Can…

You Be Posting in the text ads that I am going to offer to you…You see all the text ads and sliders every where…It build for You…To Test marketing Your Presentations and Text Ads is for your Title…Remember you are renting out the title lists…and this Sliders and texts ads is share on every JV Bloggers Blogs…Example…And Set Up Your Classifier Ads Layout like this one…Example

Create One of the following Slider Main Category Page, it going to be use on every last page of your slider presentation and Languages Search Landing page…

Please Share the Following Code in your Google Blogger blog Side Colum…This is the posts that share every JV Blogger Posts…

<IFRAME SRC="" width=100% height=99000px marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling="no"></IFRAME>

The More you posts the more changer to Get Rented…

And Everyone can Learn From each others presentations…

OH YEAH…THE GROWING RATE JUST WENT OUT…It’s Not $150 per sale…It’s >>>US$300 NOW<<<

X10TV TIME INVESTMENT RRSP…Start Saving for YOUR Retirement Plans…Saving is A GOOD Habit…But YOU NEED to HAVE MONEY to ABLE to SAVEMoney’s…

Nothing Is Impossible…If YOU THINK YOU CAN DO IT…YOU CAN…$$$

Posting Your Ads and Pricing will be on the 24/May/2024

The Following Is Just an Example you can do in your blogs…

It’s one of the Draft Class…/ Click Here to SEE some of the Google Sliders Presentation DEMO…/ Click Here to SEE the Search Page that your Posts going to be Show…or Redirects From…The Links will be use at All Landing Page…When YOUR JV Mega Cash Team Members are READY

I Guess NO ONE is READY YET…I will Release the JV Bloggers Posts Page in the members area…ANY TIME When YOU are READY to JOIN the…

JV Mega Cash Team CLUB HOUSE

I Guess I will Release the English Sponsors Ads Package First…

Start Building YOUR Articles – eBooks – YouTube – Stories Book – Music – Movies & TV Series

Like this example… this is for your 6 categories landing page with Your sponsors Classifier Ads…

Redirect your Category to your Google Blogger with your Title lists page…ExampleAfter you Done That I will show You what WP Plugin to Help you get more organize…

Update 25/May/2024WP Plugin to Use: Next Thing to organize for your

Click here to Get YOUR FREE WordPress Blog…

Remember the Previse Class on Classified Listing – Classified ads & Business Directory Plugin…Make Sure you install this WP Plugin

Add…AdRotate Banner Manager WP Plugin…Create as many Category Groups as your Classifier Ads categories…This is for your Sponsors targeted Ads…I will show you what to do next…After you build your Category Groups…Next WP Plugin will be your POP Out ads…Then you can start doing your posts at JV Mega Cash Team members Club House…Then Your Sponsors Statics Ads…After That will be your sponsors payments Page…while I getting the languages Rotation ads package ready…

The JV Bloggers Difference Languages Search Page…Example…The Middle Parts will Be your Full Languages Search Categories Presentations Posts…with your Links to All your posts…Where My Sliders spot will be Yours “JV Bloggers”…All Sponsors ads will be the same languages…This is just an example it will include Your Text ads and full page Sliders views Links…Redirect to your Categories Landing Page…


It’s Like a Shopping Mall…You have to have stores and traffics to RENT IT OUT


It’s Easier to Be Honest Than LIES…

Honest Is Easier to Remember…Than LIES…

You Have to Keep creating Lies to Cover Lies…


Do Every Promises Truth Honest”


By NOW YOU SHOULD Know…WHO is Telling the TRUTH…or WHO is telling a LIE…

That’s All I Can Say…Don’t Fall for Quick Rich Solution or programs…

It’s take TIME to be Successful… 🙂

ONLY WAY to Be RICH QUICK…If YOU WIN a Lottery Ticket…

BUT It Sill Need Investment…To BUY Lottery Tickets

I am going to take some time off…to DO my Home works…Next Class will be on the 10/JUNE/2024…I Hope by then you got your Preparations READY…

Surprise I got an Better Idea That you can Earn 100% Profits with your classifiers ads, Rotation ads, Pop up ads, Static Ads and Keep all the profits…Plus I will send traffics to YOU…All can be done for FREE…Make sure you come back here on the 10/June/2024…Class…For the Surprise PLAN…

I will Show you How to Earn 50% Commission with Affiliate Program in all Languages…Start with English Blog…First…10/June/2024…Class…

You Don’t have to pay Me and I don’t have to Pay You…No More incentive Bonus…To Keep Track…Everyone Keep their own Profits…Is an WIN WIN Traffics Exchange GAME PLANS

Build Your Classifier Ads Sponsors Ads Package the same as the following Example Landing Page Lay Out…Try Doing it in your Languages…More Detail Info Coming to Get you Organize:

Why Share and Lists…Latest Update 6/16/2024

Because all the posts that share amount JV Bloggers Traffic Exchange Reseller ads Package posts Rotate with your presentations and your Mega Cash team Member advertise here affiliate tracking ID…to help you Markets Your Sponsors Reseller ads Package…Your ads posts will be share on all and…Here is an example that you see all Sliders Rent it Out Presentations is all for JV Bloggers Traffic Exchange Reseller ads Package posts…We only Build the posts when we sell the “Rent it out ads spots posts”

Example: All X10tv and X10.webstes All Share Blogs Lists Landing Page…Traffic Exchange Reseller ads Package posts You share The more Of your Blogs Presentations show…I will show you how to markets the Reseller ads Package…Later…International Languages, Country, City “Rent it out ads spots posts”

Example it can be your YouTube Images sliders posts redirect to your Blog posts with the YouTube Translatable Contents…With your static ads “Rent It Out” reseller ads package…Spots

Here is another Example layout If you don’t want to use for your Static Rent it Out Content Page…You Can use…

Latest Update 6/18/2024

This is the Advertising Search Page Template that you be using…If You Want…It all self Insert, all you do is upload your html file…or iFrame It…

It will looks like this…Click to See Example…

Latest Update 6/20/2024

Your Traffics Exchange Landing page will be ready to use on the 6/22/2024

Your Main Landing Page with all your category Links with your and A-ADS Bitcoin Ads Posts with your categories redirect to your Lists Page, Your Traffics Exchange Landing page will be share at and Landing page…Example…Start Getting all the English categories Lists Page ready at your WordPress Blog…For your main landing page at…I will show you how to do it with others languages later…Start with the English landing page first…

Latest Update 6/21/2024

Now you got your categories done…Next is to do your Google Sliders Presentation…You Be posting All your presentation on your landing page…I will show you how to post it on your landing page Google…tomorrow…Use Our articles and YouTube to do your presentation…First…oh…I forgot start numbering your categories…TOO…Don’t Forget your also have Your Google AdSense Ads on your landing page…

Latest Update 6/22/2024

Get Your Google Sliders Presentation ready for 6/26/2024 for Your Posts with your Ads ID…Example…so you will know which ads for which posts…in your blogs posts position…

Latest Update 6/26/2024

Sorry I am Late…I Hope I should get Reseller Ads Package Promotion Center…done on the 6/29/2024

Your Traffic Exchange Site Will look like this 2 Example… and / Your List page and landing page example…with Traffic Exchange post on the side column…

I will try my best to get all the information Ready for YOU…at OUR FREE JV Bloggers Mega Cash Team Members Club Reseller Ads Package Promotion Center…

Latest Update 6/29/2024

FREE JV Bloggers Mega Cash Team Members Club Reseller Ads Package Promotion Center Step 1 is Ready…Sign Up Here…and click on promotion…to start posting…All information is at promotion member area…

Latest Update 7/5/2024

Step 1: You Get your Traffic Exchange Post Page View at 1 to 1 Ratio…For your presentation post, Main Category Landing page, Lists Page and your advertise here Page…and more coming Step 2 on 7/10/2024

Step 1: Remember All presentation Posts are FREE And Share on All JV Bloggers That share Traffic Exchange Post PageExample…This is how everyone share each others blog posts presentation on the side column…example…and Your whole lists page will be rotate in that category for free too…Next Step 2 on 7/10/2024

Click Here to the Traffic Exchange Promotion CenterFor your postsClick here to login to YOUR FREE JV Bloggers Mega Cash Team Members Club to get your advertise here tracking ID…and this is where you invoice your sponsor Too…

If your blog is in Difference Languages, Just Translate your Blog Categories or Lists page to English with Your Page URL in Google Translated then copy and Paste the whole translated Categories or Lists in new Page or post…Then Share it at Your Traffic Exchange Promotion Center…When they click on the link it will Translate or Can be translate to difference Languages TOO…

NOTE…Remember to have all your links open in NEW WINDOW” / Your Sponsor Refer Link will be rotate at and Landing page…as long you share YOUR Traffic Exchange Link in your blog posts…Everything you learn here and things to Do are ALL FREE…

It only 2 Choice to Decide…Do your Want to Buy the Fish All the Time…Or You Want to Learn How to Fish for FREE…Here…

Latest Update 7/10/2024

Wow…We Getting Closer to Release our First Ads Package on the 7/25/2024

Step 2: This is How our First Ad Package WORK…

Package include the following:

1- Sponsor get a redirection Full page before JV Blogger Lists Page Targeted to the category they choose, which they can test on difference Targeted Category by switching the category ID Number…example…in EnglishExample in Chinese or others languages...when we get all our Category Re-Languages with Google Translate…That’s what you be doing for step 2…Here is the Category Links in Numbers

2. Sponsor Get their Static Google Slider or YouTube Posts with Translate Link to Their website or Blog, Explaining the slider about on our Lists Page…That’s what you be doing for step 2..Ember the Rotation Google Slider Posts with Contents with Traffic Exchange Link at your Slider Category lists Page…”“…Build a New Blog and Prepare your Google Slider Posts with Contents and YouTube posts with content at your New Full page blogspot.comExample…That you can offer Sponsor Static Google Slider Posts with Contents…Get Full page HTML code here…(Click Here to get HTML Code)…Your Google Slider Posts with Contents at your will be shown on the Main Category Landing page…when they click Back To Main Page at any articles Posts…in that category…

3. Sponsor Get their Banner Post with Text, Explaining the Banner Post about on our Landing and Lists Page…That’s what you be doing for step 2..Ember the Rotation Banner With Text Posts at al your Landing Lists Page Side Colum…Example Traffic Exchange Link “

4. Sponsor Get their Google Static Slider or YouTube Posts with Translate Link to Their website or Blog, , at the category Title page with Targeted Post and languages…Example…You Only do it when you sold the title Static Ad…

How to Posts at the promotion center…

Show Ad On Site: which category Number

Slider or YouTube Link and Text: Your Google Slider Posts with Contents at your

JV Redirection Lists Page: Your Category Lists Page

Advertiser Redirection Full page (No Sponsor optional For: JV Blogger refer Link): Your JV Member Advertiser Here refer link…”

Html Code for Sponsor Banner and Ad Text: (Click Here to get HTML Code)

Step3: Coming 7/17/2024…It about Pricing, Pay Plan and How to use the JV Blogger Member Area for invoicing…It’s Going Be a Surprise Pay Plan…See You Next Week…

Latest Update 7/17/2024

Our New Pay plan Is simple the one that do the post get $365…the one that Refer get $100…If you do both you get $465…Pricing and how to invoice information will be release in member area…with the ad package information on the 25/7/2024…Start Posting your Presentation by making use of YouTube Videos to help you with your posts…

I am on holiday till the 7/22/2024 and I will get the ad package information ready for you on the 7/25/2024

Do your Presentation POSTS Here…Just Replace the Ad post ID to repost
JV Blogger Use is link for image section

If the script is being used to manage ads for several sites, use the Show Ad On Site box to specify which site the ad should appear on. Don’t Enter 0 all ads posts on 0 will be deleted…for landing page category use Traffice Exchange, for Lists page enter category ID Number it all listed on x10tv.ocm and Landing page at the categories setion 0r for others languages ads post info coming soon…for the traffics Exchange ad Posts share the emBered catergories to appear on all site that all JV Bloggers is sharing, please put categories ID for your prsentation and for your Full Category Lists Landing page in the right Category ID…sites managed by this support ID Number. Ads consists of a Banner Image and Banner URL with Full page Links (both single lines of up to 100 characters) and HTML Box of up to 255 characters. Note that single quote, double quote and backslash characters are not allowed and will be removed automatically.

To get all your HTML Code go to “Display HTML code”

If you Need to use HTML Editor Click Here

The Following are Your Google Sliders Presentation Example idea


Your Business Marketing Solution
Sponsors Advertiser Ads Package Information Releasing Coming 25 JUNE 2024…Keep reading you will find how our Rank It out ADs package can help you test markets your products and services or even Resell your own ads package and profits from the RENTED Spot…or Spots…
New Release All 3 Options Plan…Advance Plan Sponsor…Professional Plan
Sponsor Rent It OUT…All at SAME PRICE…50% OFF…Keep Reading to SEE ALL Plans OFFERS…

For Local Country and City JV Bloggers Search Pages…Under Development…

Sponsor International
Branding Ads Package

Rotate On The Main Category Spots
And All Main Search Page
You Can Test Markets Your Products And Services In Difference Categories

Example: One Of The Category Landing Page Advertising. Category

Example: One Of All Main Search Page

You Can Use It To Resell Ads On Your Sliders If You Want…Unlimited Pages…

Come With Unlimited Tracking ID…So You Know What Page Or Posts Click The Most…

Releasing Coming 25 JUNE 2024
More Info Coming When Ready

50% OFF

Per Year
Offers only for the First 10,000 Sponsors Spots

  • List Item

Select Plan

Advance Plan
Sponsor “Redirect Targeted Category Skip Ads Page”

Rotate on the Main Targeted Category Spot only your Sliders Ads and Your Full Page website

You Can test markets your products and Services in Difference Categories

Example: one of the Redirect category landing Page When you click on the Targeted Category Links it will Redirect to Your Posts before the main advertising. Category

You can use it to Resell Ads on your Sliders If you Want…Unlimited Pages…

Come with Unlimited Tracking ID…So you Know What page or posts Click the most…

Coming Soon
more Info coming when ready
Releasing Coming 25 JUNE 2024

50% OFF US$730

Per Year

  • Offers only for the First 10,000 Sponsors Spots

Select Plan

Professional Plan
Sponsor “Rent It OUT”

“Static Targeted Category POSTS Ads Page”
The Main Targeted Category POSTS Spot Only Your Sliders Ads”
On That Spot Forever Till You Stop Renting”
More For Targeted Related Information To Your Business Offers
Saitic In Post And Rotate In Main Category Lists Pages

Example: One Of The Category Landing Page Saitic In Post And

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