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1. Remove Broken Key From Lock.

Put some super glue on broken off part, insert and hold a few seconds

 – will pull out rest of key.

2. Remove Broken Light Bulb.

Stick a bar of soap into jagged edges, use soap as handle.

3. Remove Stubborn Screw.

Heat with a soldering iron for a few seconds first.

4. Protect Children From Sockets.

Keep a piece of electrical tape over them when not in use.

5. Good Glass Door Safety Tip.

Put a BIG decal on those glass and patio doors.

6. Keep Nails From Splitting Wood.

Blunt sharp end of nail before you use by hitting with a hammer.

7. Repair Small Holes In Screen.

Plug holes with clear nail polish, let dry, repeat until filled.

8. Straighten Warped Phono Records.

Place record between two sheets of glass, set in sun for a while.

9. Best Way To Clean Phono Records.

Dip in solution of detergent and water, rinse and wipe dry.

10. Make Your Own Fireplace Logs.

Roll newspapers up tightly in shape of log. Papers are wood.

11. How To Remove Oil From Driveway.

Cover with sand, let stand a few days, then sweep off.

12. Keep Fish Hooks From Rusting.

Stick them in a cork and submerge in some baking soda.

13. Make Sandpaper Last Longer.

Back sandpaper with masking tape.

14. How To Revive Old Razor Blades.

Rub them back and forth inside of a drinking glass.

15. Where To Sell Box Tops And Labels.

Eggleston Enterprises, 207, Main Street, Milford, NY 13807.

16. Remove Labels From Bottles & Jars.

Fill with hot water and then submerge in hot water, will just fall off.

17. Cut Glass Without Glass Cutter.

Use tin snips and cut under water, smooth rough edges with sandpaper.

18. Easy To Unglue Stamps & Envelopes.

Put in freezer a few hours then flip off with knife blade.

19. Get Water Out Of Your Watch.

Strap watch to light bulb, turn on for a few minutes. Water drops will form on crystals,

open up and wipe off.

20. Prevent Snow Sticking To Shovel.

Coat shovel with car wax.

21. Tighten Your Hammer Handle.

Soak in used engine oil for a day.

22. Low Cost Laminating- EASY.

Cover article with clear contact paper. Works perfectly!

23. Open That Stuck Zipper.

Spray that stuck zipper with shaving foam.

24. Remove Tar & Paint From Auto.

The product to clean paint from your car is BENZOL.

25. Increase Your Mileage.

 Put 4oz of benzol to each ten gallon of gasoline to incr. mpg.

26. How To Renew Car Batteries.

Dissolve 1 oz Epsom salts in water and add to each cell.

27. Easily Untie A Knot In A Chain.

Cover the knot generously with cold cream.

28. Loosen Those Tight Shoes.

Put some damp newspaper into shoes and leave for a few days.

29. Make Shoes Slip Proof.

Take scissors and scratch Scissors on the soles.

30. The Ideal Pin Cushion.

Use a bar of soap, makes sewing easier. Needle just slides through.

31. Make Your Own Metal Polisher.

Take a black board chalk and rub into cloth, then rub on metal.

32. Good Dog & Cat Repellent.

Place moth balls in areas where you are bothered by animal odors. They will avoid it. Animals hate mothball odors.

33. When Your Pet Has No Appetite.

Try a saucer of beer. It’s been known to perk up the appetite.

34. Easy To Rid Pets Of Fleas.

Put a foam rubber pad in the pet’s bed – fleas hate it.

35. Quick Way To Press Ties.

Hang in bath while you shower – steam takes wrinkles out.

36. How To Remove Staples.

An old nail clipper works just fine for removing staples.

37. Eliminate Odors From Disposal.

Throw a lemon in it and let it be ground up.

38. Keep Salt Moisture Free.

Put pieces of ink blotter in shaker. It will absorb moisture.

Or try uncooked rice.

39. Simple Eye-Glass Cleaner.

Vinegar diluted in water makes a fine eyeglass cleaner.

40. Easy Clean Glass Doors & Mirrors.

Just rub with a damp newspaper – they will shine.

41. Easily Reduced Ashtray Smell.

Keep a small amount of baking soda in ashtrays at all times.

42. Messless Painting From Bucket.

Punch several holes around rim of can with small nail.

43. Take Lumps Out Of Paint.

Cut a piece of screen to fit inside of can or bucket, it will float to bottom,

taking the lumps with it.

44. Keep Bugs Out Of Paint.

Pour a little insect repellent in the paint. It does the trick.

45. Prevent Flowers From Fading.

Use a few drops of chlorine bleach in water, add an asprin for life.

46. A Simple Roach Formula- It WORKS.

Crumble cigarette butts in water, let dry then spread in roach areas.

47. Save Painting Clean Up Time.

Cover roller tray with aluminum foil, then just throw away.

48. A Novel Paint Can Cover.

Use plastic lid from a coffee can.

49. Keep Piano Keys Looking New.

Keep cover open, ivory turns dark if exposed to darkness.

50. How To Remove Grease From Rugs.

Pour ample amount of baking soda on it, brush in,

let stand for a day, vacuum off.

51. Destroy Desire For Nicotine.

Take before breakfast 1/2 tsp. each of rochelle salts and cream of tartar.

52. Destroy Desire For Alcohol.

Mix goldthread with golden seal tea. It creates a violent taste for alcohol.

53. Excellent Insomnia Formula.

One tbs. powdered milk, 2 tbs. honey, 1 tbs. brewers yeast,

stir into cup of warm milk. Take before retiring.

54. Famous Diet Formula Plan.

Mix 1tbs safflower oil to 2 tbs. grapefruit juice, take before meals.

55. The 40.00 Beauty Facial.

Spread milk of magnesia over face, let dry, cover again, let dry,

remove with damp cloth, then apply some warm olive oil, then apply

some ice cold witch hazel.

56. How To Improve Your I.Q.

Hydrocotyle asiatica teas are a noted brain food.

57. Make A Pantyhose Last Longer.

One tbs. alum, 1 quart water, rinse, let dry, the wash with soap, rinse dry.

58. Remove Blood Stains From Carpet.

Sponge immediately with cold water, then use a bit of soap, rinse dry.

59. Make Your Guitar Really Shine.

Rub some toothpaste on, let dry, then buff it. It will shine!

60. Keep A Burn From Blistering.

Apply ice cubes to burn immediately.

61. Remove Ink Stains From Carpet.

Apply a paste of milk and cornstarch, let stand a few hours. Brush off.

62. Dry Shampoo Your Pet (GREAT).

Rub baking soda into fur and brush out. Will smell great!

63. Put A Shine On Your Windows.

Brush with nylon stocking, then use blackboard eraser to shine.

64. Unwrinkling Plastic Materials.

Heat ironing board, lay materials on, smooth with hands.

65. Easy Needle Threading (NEAT).

Dip tip of needle in clear nail polish and let dry.

66. How To Clean Your Neck Ties.

Put tie in jar with some carbon tetrachloride, shake, take out and let dry.

67. Easy Clean Your Nail File.

Press a piece of tape into file, pull off. Remove all dirt.

68. How To Remove Scorches.

Wet scorched area and cover with cornstarch, brush off when dry.

69. What To Do If You Oversalt Food.

Drop a potatoe or two in it. Absorbs the over-salt.

70. Watermelon Ripeness Test.

Look for a creamy surface underneath the melon.

71. How To Freshen Stale Nuts.

Stick them in the oven for 15 minutes at 250° C.

72. How To Destroy Fish Smells.

Rub butter on your hands or wherever smell is to be removed.

73. How To Destroy Onion Smells.

Dampen hands and rub some bicarbonate of soda over them.

74. Keep & Use Over Ripe Bananas.

Mash and freeze for making cakes and cookies.

75. How To Boil A Cracked Egg.

Add a dash of vinegar to the water.

76. How To Make Mocha Coffee.

Instead of milk or cream try some chocolate milk, MOCHA.

77. Easy Boiled Egg Peeling.

Keep lid on a few minutes after boiling, pressure causes shell to fall off.

78. Eliminate Popcorn Duds- FAST.

Freeze it first, the it will all pop.

79. Easy Clean Kitchen Windows.

Add starch to water and clean with a piece of newspaper.

80. Easy Clean Silverware – The BEST.

Use baking soda and damp cloth, clean, rinse and let dry.

81. Vegetable For Liver & Prostrate.


82. Fruit Soothes Intestinal Tract.


83. A Fruit For Arthritic Gout.


84. An Appetizer Fruit- GOOD.


85. Fruit For The Stomach.


86. A Fruit For Constipation.


87. A Fruit High In Iron.


88. Fruit For Neutralizing Acid.


89. A Fruit For Healthful Kidneys.


90. A Fruit Good For The Nerves.


91. Two Fruits Thought Anti-Tobacco.


92. A Fruit Thought Anti-Cancer.


93. Vegetable Good For Kidney.


94. Vegetable That’s Antibiotic.


95. Fruit To Tune Blood Vessels.


96. Vegetable For Breath Purifier.


97. Ingredient Good For The Heart.


98. A Vegetable Good For The Eyes.


99. A Good Source Of Iodine.


100. Vegetable With 6 X More Vitamin C.


101. How To Shine Your Refrigerator.

Use Bicarbonate of Soda on a damp sponge.

102. How To Remove A Hot Cake Pan.

Use clothes pins (pegs).

103. Keep Windshields Frost Free!

Apply solution of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water over windshield.

104. Make Dry Cell Batteries Last Longer.

Seal in plastic bags, wrap in aluminum foil, keep in refrigerator.

105. Remove Wax From Candleholders.

Freeze holders in refrigerator and it will just peel off.

106. Prevent Kitchen Stools From Slipping.

Put rubber tips from crutches on bottom of legs.

107. Rid Scratches From Plastic Watches.

Use Q-tip dipped in nail polish remover, rub over face, scratch disappears.

108. Excellent Lubricant For Appliances.

Put a drop of glycerin in gears, makes an excellent lubricant.

109. Keep Garbage Bags From Slipping.

Use 3 or 4 clothes pins, keeps them from slipping.

110. How To Clean Glassware.

Clean with stale tea. If they spot, soak in buttermilk, let dry, wipe off.

111. How To Clean Carved Furniture.

Use an old toothbrush to clean then use furniture polish on brush.

112. Remove Ink From Varnished Furniture.

Rub with soft cloth filled with equal parts vinegar and linseed oil.

113. Remove Mildew From Luggage.

Put bar of soap in luggage before storing.

114. Remove Smoke, Grease From Woodwork.

Paint wood with solution of starch and water, when dry rub off.

115. Really Shine Your Kitchen Floor.

Add some sour milk to your rinse water, it will shine!

116. How To Clean Rust From Chrome.

Rub it with aluminum foil.

117. How To Really Clean Enamel.

Use a paste of salt and vinegar then wipe off.

118. Remove Shoe Polish From Clothing.

Use carbon tetrachloride or rubbing alcohol.

119. Remove Cigarette Stains From China.

Rub it with a cork that has been dipped in salt.

120. Make Your Own Ink Eradicator.

Mix one part liquid bleach to ten parts water. Works great.

121. Make Your Appliances Really Shine.

Rub them over with rubbing alcohol, they will stay shining.

122. Remove Stains From Coffee Cups.

Rub with salt and vinegar.

123. Make Your Own Furniture Polish.

Use 2 parts olive oil to 1 part vinegar. Have it warm while using.

124. Make Your Own Silver Polish

Tooth paste or baking soda makes an excellent silver polish.

125. A Really Good Copper Cleaner.

Use a paste of salt and vinegar.

126. To Clean Your Diamond Rings.

Use tooth paste with an old tooth brush, rub and rinse and let dry.

127. Clean Tarnished Gold & Silver.

Rub with a paste of water and baking soda, rinse and let dry.

128. How To Make Good Jewelry Cleaner.

Clean with a solution of 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 cup of water.

129. Reset Stone In Your Jewelry.

Put clear nail polish in the base, set the stone in and let dry.

130. Prevent Costume Jewelry From Tarnish.

Put a thin coat of transparent nail polish over it.

131. Good Cleaning Aid For Dishwashers.

Add some vinegar to dishwasher.

132. Cure Scratches From Furniture.

Use machine oil or same color shoe polish.

133. Make A Good Fingernail Brush.

Cut down the bristles on an old tooth brush.

134. Food For The Whole Litter (HOW).

Use a muffin pan so the runts can have some.

135. Lengthen Life Of Wooden Clothespins.

Boil them in a salt solution.

136. Make A Neat String Dispenser.

Nail a funnel to wall and pull string out of bottom of funnel.

137. Tip On Storing Plastic Curtains.

Sprinkle talcum powder between the layers as you go.

138. Basting Made Real EASY.

Just tape and sew around the pieces of tape.

139. How To Revive Old Clothing.

Shave those little fluffs off with a safety razor.

140. Make An Emergency Clothes Brush.

Wrap a piece of tape around the hand, sticky side out.

141. Stop Clothes Catching On Hangers.

Put a coat of clear nail polish over splinters and rough edges.

142. A Needle-Sharpening Pincushion.

Use steel wool to fill your cushion, keeps needles sharp.

143. Make A Good Yarn Preserver.

Wrap yarn around a moth ball for storage.

144. Handy Tips On Cutting Fur.

Use a razor blade on back of fur when cutting, you won’t cut any hair.

145. Tips On Sewing Slippery Material.

Stick a piece of waxed paper in seam, pull away when finished.

146. Easy Pick Up Of Needle Spills.

Use a small magnet to pick up any needle spills.

147. Excellent Knitting Tip.

Keep ball of yarn in nylon stocking, will flow out free of tangles.

148. How To Get Rid Of Shiny Pants.

Make a solution of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water, soak a cloth in it,

wring out, put over the pants and press lightly.

149. When You Need Heavy Duty Thread.

Use dental floss.

150. Make A Handy Tape Measure.

Just put tape around an old tape spool.

151. Prevent Nylon From Yellowing.

Add some baking soda to wash and rinse with water.

152. Make A Perfect Sock Darner.

Pull socks over light bulb, makes it easy.

153. How To Restore Velvet Like New.

Brush good, then hang in steamy bathroom.

154. Get Rid Of Knots On Sweaters.

Just rub a piece of sandpaper over sweater.

155. How To Remove Lint From Wool.

Use a damp sponge and touch lightly.

156. Caring For Leather Upholstery.

Brush with skim milk every 3 months.

157. Repair Scuffed Patent Leather.

Cover with same color polish, let dry, then cover with clear nail polish.

158. Prevent Patent Leather Cracking.

Before each wearing, rub briskly with your hand, then a soft cloth.

159. Repair Scuffed Baby Shoes.

Rub shoe with white of an egg.

160. Tip On Buying Shoes.

Buy shoes in afternoon, feet tend to swell in the morning.

161. What To Do When Shoes Get Stiff.

Cut a raw potato and rub all over. They will come back to life.

162. Black Suede Shoes Last Longer.

Wash with warm water, then rub castor oil into leather.

163. How To Soften Leather Shoes.

Sponge with black coffee.

164. Remove Salt Rings From Shoes.

Brush with a solution of vinegar and water.

165. Keep Vegetables Green While Cooking.

Lift the lid of the cooking vessel from time to time while cooking.

166. Get Juice From Dried Up Lemon.

Boil it for a few minutes.

167. Quick Onion Rings.

Onions slice more easily if you leave skins on while slicing.

168. How To Kill Taste Of Olive Oil.

Add a touch of salt.

169. Good Bread Crumbs Substitute.

Potato chips, corn chips or pretzels.

170. How To Keep Your Berries Fresh.

Don’t wash until ready to use and keep in refrigerator until ready to use.

171. How To Cut A Soft Pie.

Use a buttered knife to cut through a soft pie.

172. How To Cut A Frosted Cake.

Rinse a knife in hot water first, each time you cut a slice.

173. How To Make A Fluffy Egg Omelet.

Add a teaspoon of corn starch when mixing eggs.

174. Keep Dressing From Going Rancid.

Put a spoon of sugar in it.

175. How To Stop Cabbage Odors.

Throw a couple of walnut kernels in pot while cooking.

176. How To Soften Butter Quick.

If your butter is frozen, grate it, it’s same as soft butter.

177. How To Keep Cauliflower White.

Pour a little milk in the water when boiling cauliflower.

178. When Is The Omelet Done.

When you press it lightly and it springs back.

179. Keep Milk From Scorching.

Add a pinch of sugar while cooking and do not stir.

180. Cheese Cutting Tip.

A dull knife is more successful than a sharp one.

181. When You Need An Extra Egg.

When you need an extra egg for the recipe add a little corn starch.

182. Peel Onions Without Tears.

Let water run over them while peeling.

183. The Proper Way To Ripen Fruit.

Keep it out in open at room temperature. Refrigerator slows down ripening.

184. How To Pick Fresh Eggs.

Old eggs are shiny, fresh eggs are rough and have bumps.

185. How To Cut Acidity In Coffee.

Add a pinch of salt.

186. Good Refrigerator Deodorizer.

Keep an open box of baking soda in it at all times.

187. What To Do About Grease Spills.

Pour ice water over it, it will lift off before it can soak in.

188. Make A Good Egg Separator.

Crack egg, put in small funnel, white will come through separated from yolk.

189. Reduce Wilting Of Root Vegetables.

Cut off the tops as soon as you get them.

190. Keep Vegetables Fresh Longer.

Put paper towels in bottom of bin. It will absorb moisture which causes decay.

191. How To Keep Meat Fresh Looking.

Cover the cut side with leaves of lettuce.

192. How To Perk Up Wilted Lettuce.

Soak in cold water with a dash of lemon juice, cool in refrigerator for half hour.

193. Make Frozen Vegetables Fresh.

Pour boiling water over them. Restores fresh taste.

194. The Best Way To Slice Onions.

Freeze them first.

195. Keep Beets & Cabbage Red.

Add lemon juice or vinegar to water.

196. Keep Potatos From Sprouting.

Store apples with them

197. Get Rid Of Cooking Odors.

Boil hand full of cloves in water for 30 min. All odors will disappear.

198. Truss Poultry Up So It Will Stay.

Use dental floss, it won’t burn.

199. Tell When Custard Is Done.

Stick knife into custard, if it comes out clean, it is done.

200. Tips For Cutting Hot Cake.

Use a thread, hold both ends tightly and lower through slowly.

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