Part 12 Chapter 4: New FREE simple way to turn your traffics into Follower by sharing x10 tv pre-make Niches Blogs with the benefits that you can sell your own banners spots for Profits from each x10tv blog
Not just that by sharing x10 tv information you also get to Sell Your OWN banner ad advertising spots with x10 tv info, in exchange for your effort on participle on x10 Tv JV Blogger Advertising Profits program…You Don’t Want to MISS this Unlimited Income Oportuinity…NO INVESTMENT TO START WITH…READ PART 12: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
Check Out FREE Smart Ad PROFITS update chapter 5 “Get Free unlimited Traffics from the traffics you have with x10 tv Traffics Exchange Solution” Coming 3/10/2022
Do You Want to Start a Profitable Blog right from the Beginning?
If I can show You How to Do It For FREE with the Following 10 Steps Plan, Would You Be Interested…Even You Don’t Like Writing…
I understand How hard it is to start a New Blog, with all the obstacles’ to go through, but don’t worry I show you the basics steps to get started and start profiting from 7 income stream, which you can expand from it.
The following are 7 ways to earn from your blog.
- Sell your own ad spots with x10 Tv information
- Earn from Adfly / If you have Google Absence account, don’t use adfly
- Earn from / If you have Google Absence account, don’t use Adsterra
- Earn From ebay
- Earn From Clickbank
- Earn From Amazon
- Others Affiliate Program products and services that you have tried or used
First thing that you have to do is not to worry on how much you going earn, earning will come when you have enough contents to give your visitors a reason to remember your site and come back for more info when they need a solution to solve problem, or products and services they are researching for.
So let’s get started with what you need in your blog to keep your visitors become a follower…
Here are the few question to ask yourself, if you are a visitor what you like about the blog you have created…?
The answer again is do your contents solve their problems?
The Main Reason Why people visit a blog…? The answer is the same again, they are looking for information to solve their problem, which is something that they can do online for free to find the answer that they research on.
So here is the next question you ask yourself.
Do you know what kind of information your visitors looking for when they visit your blog?
The answer is easy, if you have a niche blog, which you know the reason right away, is because the Niche information you provide that get them to your blog .
Now next question is, Do you have enough information about your niche, to answer the question or solve the problem your visitors is looking for? If Yes, that’s a goon sign…
Now you know what your visitors come to your blog for, but do you have other information that relate to your blog niche that you can expand from to keep your visitors to come back for more?
The reason why I always recommend to expand your blog niche is to get your visitors become a follower, because most people where forget your blog, after they already found the information they needed and they don’t need you anymore. Which you lost your follower. That’s How Most Blog Fail…
Next question is, do you know what other information your visitors is looking for in the future?
The answer is NO, you don’t know what kind of problem or research they want next…
So, how do I track what my visitors want next?
The answer to it, is more category and sub-categories…which create more information’s to track on what your visitors need…
Here is part of the reason why I have decided to provide you with the Free Join Venture Blogs Traffics EXCHAGE Advertising Profits with x10 Tv collection of Niches Blogs with 100’s of categories that have thousands of contents, which you can share and track on which category information that get the most visits or views, that you can expand it with reviews…Reviews is almost like a sale page that help you sell the products or services you recommend.
With this JV Blogger Blog advertising event that you share, can solve the following problems for your blog…
First – Will solve your contents problem, to find out what your visitors want next, not just your niche information.
Second – Will get them to remember your site and come back for more information, whenever they want to do a research. (They will remember your blog whenever they need information, because of the convenience and the information they are getting from your blog posts or x10 tv Niches collection of info blogs that you are sharing.)
Third – Easier to Expanding your blog with Reviews or sell your own products or services that you offer affiliate commission for anyone that referral them or even starting your own membership site.
Forth – Easier to advertise your blog with all the category keyword, that you can place targeted ads at difference websites that relate to one of the category and you have lots of choices on cheaper category keywords to bid on…When you are doing the paid advertising…
Here is why x10 Tv Free Join Venture Blogs Traffics EXCHANGE Advertising Profits solution come in place…
First – Content, you need contents to keep your visitors come back for more info, beside your niche contents. Which x10 tv will try the best to add and update with more valuable articles and eBooks for you to share on your blog to keep your visitors to come back for more when they need a solution for their problem.
Now you have cover the contents on “WHY and How to solve problems info”…With x10 tv Info collection…Here is another thing left, you need to cover, is providing reviews about products or services that your visitors can do their research on before they decided to purchase the products or services they looking for… I will show you a simple way to create reviews and turn it into profits…Without writing your own reviews…
Which Part 12 step by step blogging plan come in play, just by sharing information.
Second – By using the steps and sharing all the information that recommend in part 12, you will end up providing thousands of articles, eBooks and reviews for your visitors, which will make them remember your blog when ever they looking for solution to solve their problem. (With all these info categories you have for your blog, will make advertising your blog much easier and you got all the keywords category to promote your blog)
Third to get people to visit your site, without paying for Advertising to start with? (Definitely recommend to reinvest some of your earning on advertising to increase your traffic’s and earning faster, when you start expanding your blog)
Which you can learn from x10 tv step by step blogging solution, Part 1 to Part 12
Another part of the reason by you sharing with all the Niches categories Information to your audiences, Which will turn them to become your followers, and it also gets advertisers attention, to decide placing ads on your blog or x10tv Pre-made Blogs for you to earn your own ads profits…
Follow the following 10 steps plan to get started…Especially For Beginner Blogger…
Step 1: Create a pages with the lists of all the categories that you going to share with your audiences and sell Ads spots. (First Week Plan)
Sell YOUR OWN ads spots with x10 tv information you have share…and EARN PROFITS
Read the following steps to SEE HOW EASY CAN BE DONE…Something you don’t want to miss.
X10 tv banners ads program…The Highest Pay Commission Solution, this is not a affiliate program…Is a Joint Venture ads profits solution, that YOU SET YOUR OWN PRICES and Advertisers paid you first before x10tv, NO Waiting period to get paid…You get paid Right Away, Every Time you Make a sale…Get Paid Again Whenever the Advertiser Renew the Banner Ad Spot…YOU are the BOSS…No One Tell you What to do…OR BOSS you Around…This Is a Unlimited Income Opportunity…
- First Create a DIY Videos Collection Categories page with x10 tv 67 Niches Categories 1000’s of Video’s with content Blogs…You can copy all the links here.
- Create a eBooks Collection Categories page with x10 tv share eBooks landing-page…that you have learn how to share on Part 12 chapter 2 (Try to share with the eBook landing page links first before you add any contents to the eBooks posts, so you can start selling the ads spots, which you can add contents later to the most popular eBook posts). You can choose all the eBooks links that you want to share here.
- Get the top 2 Videos and eBooks steps done first before this step, (Start with 1 eBook per category and see which topics is more popular then share more on that category) because this step will take you longer time to complete. Now you have complete the top 2 steps, now build your Articles Collection Categories Page that redirect to every category lists page on your blog. (You have learn how to do it from Part 12 charter 3, copy all the articles links on all Niches Blogs navigation pages of each category)
- Now you have enough “why and how to information” to share with your visitors, which you can start selling the ad spots on all the x10 tv contents info you share at your blog…
- Next create a “Advertise Here” page…Copy sale page content here, (the sale page that I supply is still in test, will update it till it get the best result, remember to replace all with YOUR DOMAIN NAME) you can rewrite them if you want.(Recommend to do so, You can try difference approach and see which way close the most sale, always test the content, till you get the best result out of it)
- You got your “Advertise Here” page content done, it time to create a “Buy Now PayPal payment links” to add them at the bottom of your “Advertise Here” page and you can add more payment options later if you want. The following is what Banner advertising option payment links you have to create.
- Ads option 1: Articles Niches Blog 100’s of categories with thousands of articles you can choose from…Choose the niche category and the article title that you want ONLY Your Static banner ad to be show…”See Example“
- Article Ads option 2: Only your 728 x 90 pop out banner ad will be show at the Top of the Article Post that you have choose…You can choose the targeted category, then the article that related to your banner ad offer, when someone click on the tittle of that article link you have choose, which will redirect to that article post niche blog, that only your banner ad will be show at the top of the page, that looks like a Header and the best part is, when the visitor navigate the niche blog your banner ad follow on every page views, it also show your banner ad if they bookmark that Niche Category Blog, and whenever they return for more info, your ads show… It a perfect way to get targeted visitors and Branding Your Business…”See Example“…Choose Articles to advertise…
- Ads option 2 Video’s Blog: Only your 728 x 90 pop out banner ad will be show at the Top of All the Niches DIY and Instructional Videos Posts category you have choose…”See Example“…Choose Category to advertise…The difference between the articles blogs and Video’s blogs, are video’s blogs cover the whole niche category you choose, but with articles blogs, your banner ad will be show only someone click on the article title you choose.
- Option 3: (Same with option 1 permanent targeted banner ad spots ) Choose DIY Videos 300 x 250 Only your Banner ad Top 4 banner Ad Spot for 3 Years…
- Setting the Price for your banner ads spots…You can set any price you want for all 2 options, x10 tv only charge your advertiser $25 setup activation fee for each ad banner setup, with 1 to 3 Years unlimited banner impression included, after they paid you, you also get all the Ads Renewal profits for the ads that expirer…If you have a new blog with less than 1000 visitors per day, I will recommend the following price for each option…
- Option 1 Articles Ads and Option 3 Videos Ads: Check Prices here, than set your own price, recommend to price it lower than
- Option 2 Videos: Start with $0.10 a day for 1 year, which is $36.50 and $25 For Admin Set up activation Fee for each category come with Unlimited 1 year 728 x 90 banner ad impression…
- Option 2 Articles start with $0.05 a day for 3 year, which is $54.75 and $25 For Admin Set up activation Fee for each Article…Come with Unlimited 3 year 728 x 90 banner ad impression…(You can set the prices higher when you have more daily Visitors…Is your Blog, Is your traffics, You are the Boss, set your own prices that you feel reasonable)
- What you have to do after they paid for the Banner ad services you provide? Remember to add the redirect link “” to your PayPal redirect to after payment URL BOX at PayPal Step 3: Customize checkout pages…(Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout), which is the the x10tv admin PayPal payment page, where the admin need the information from your advertiser to create a special banner ad redirect link for you, than all you do is replace the sold Video Category link, or article title URL address link at your blog, with the one that x10 tv admin have created for you. After I have created the link, I will post the banner ad redirect link at your blog comment area of your payment page within 72 hours, make sure to check the comment area whenever you have a sale on the 728 x 90 Top pop out banner ad sold. (This link only show the banner ad on that post, through your blog Article Title or Video category redirect link, it won’t show on others JV Blogger Blog that Share the same blogs.)
- One thing I forgot to remind you at the PayPal Step 3: Customize checkout pages…Section on “Take customers to this URL when they cancel their checkout”, Place your advertising URL Link PAGE…
- That’s all you have to do to Start selling your own banner ads spots with x10 tv Pre-make info Collection Blogs…
- For Renewal or Increase of prices / Just put your New Prices Options payment info on top of the old once and rename the title of the old Option title as “Renewal / Only for advertiser that place their ads within this DATE” (Like from the beginning of the Offers prices Date till the end of the discount prices)
- You Don’t have to worry about the renewal reminder, the admin will do the follow up for all renewal reminder, with your renewal page URL Address in the reminder email…Remember You the Boss…You have just Outsource your Advertising Hosting Service and Admin work to…
- That’s something I Forgot, Please add your contact support info and a FAQ page to your Blog or website…You can visit FAQ or Contact page here, if you have question about the JV Ads Campaign..
- Add x10tv JV Blogs Visit Counter to Your Side Column or Footer and your advertise here page / Copy the Counter Script and paste it HTML Editors…Click Here to get Script…
Step 2: Sign up with adfly and shorten all the category links, which you can track all the clicks, to see what category to expand next. You can expands them with Reviews on products and services relate to the most popular subjects.
You can use adfly redirects ads link (Just shorten it or just add the adfly redirect link in front of the redirect URL link) or place pop under ads script on the footer of your theme customize page so when people click on any links the pop-under ad will be activated or place it on the posts or pages where only you want that pop-under ad to be show)
Step 3: After you have about average of 100 visitors a day (it easy to do with traffics exchange sites like ), Sign up with Google AdSense ( If didn’t get approve then go with, but the paid Rate is not as good as Google AdSense ), I have tried and I like them, they provide good attractive ads that you get good Click through Rate (CTR) which will increase your ads profits…(Just remember it will take sometime maybe 6 -24 months to see some profits increase, it all depend where your traffic’s came from and how much visitors you have)
Step 4: Place your adsterra ads on your blog. ( For Google AdSense you can use Auto Ads Placement )
Here are the few spots that I have tried that get good result on the CTR with adsterra ads.
Spot 1 728 x 90 banner ads on top of the contents
Spot 2 300 x 250 banner ad at the middle of the side bar of your blog, place 3 of them in a row
Spot 3 Native Ads on the bottom of your Contents or footer.
Spot 4 350 x 50 banner ad place 2 side by side middle of your contents
Now add Social Bar script on the footer of your theme customize page so when people click on any links the pop-up ad will be activated or place it on the posts or pages where only you want that pop-up ad to be show.
Step 5: Make use of Traffics exchange sites like…etc. (To get average 100 to 200 visits to your blog daily, all you need is Views more ads) Lots of my followers ask me do I still watch ads and click on PTC ads? Yes I still views ads, I like doing it because I do part of my research from it, to see what’s others is offering, any catcher titles I can use too and I also get return traffics from it for FREE, As a Bonus.
Step 6: Use as much free advertising ways that you have learn from Part 1 to Part 12
Step 7: After your traffic’s have grow and you have expand your sites or blogs, and try to apply with Google AdSense again with your New expanded blogs, but make sure you have enough visitors and contents…”if you didn’t get approve before”.
Step 8: Expand your blog with Affiliates Program, write reviews about products and services more related to the category that have most views. (eBay, Amazon, Clickbank, CJ, JVzoo…or others affiliate program products and services you have tried) You don’t have to write the reviews, to post reviews, as long you know how the services or products works…Here are list of ways to do it.
- You can start your reviews profits with eBay and Clickbank.
- Sign up with eBay and ClickBank affiliate program, both of them is the easiest to get approve than Amazon. Which Amazon is not a good ideal for a new blog, because they have a restriction that If you did not make any sale within 6 month your account will be close, which mean all your afford for creating the reviews is wasted. The reason for it is… it will take sometimes to build some traffic to your blog before you make any sale. At presence you are creating reviews for the future sales, when you get enough visitors or followers…Than add amazon refer link next to eBay reviews you have done, so your blog guess can compare pricing between eBay and amazon…
- Next is how do I choose which reviews to write or to post and how I research for the information…?
- For eBay: Now looks for the niches products at eBay that you know, and visit YouTube to looks for the best description reviews for your products that you going to recommend, copy the embed YouTube link and post it, under the review post, add your eBay redirect affiliate link for that product, so your visitors can purchase after they view the reviews.
- Make use of the Articles From other Authors with x10 Tv pre make blogs collections, update the review information and add your affiliate link to the review products or services.
- For Clickbank you can research the reviews information from our blog.
- After a few month and you have figure out what your visitors is interested on which category info that have the most views, then expand your reviews with that niches with your eBay and Clickbank affiliate program
- You Can also Start with the products or services you have used or tested…Then Go to YOUTUBE and Search for the BEST Reviews Description and put all the reviews together into your blog reviews category…Then add Your Affiliate Links to the products or services…Like eBay, ClickBank, Amazon…and others…see example…
- Go shopping at your local Stores to see what new out there, that interest YOU and ask the Clark Question about the products or Services
- Go to reviews posts to do your click-bank products reviews research.
Step 9: Come Back to for more Update on blogging and Sign out with our NEWS Letter for update on JV Blogger Ads profits Information…
Step 10: Start writing your own plans, expand your imagination.
I hope the information x10 tv provide here help you out, the rest is up to you, how you want to expand it or check x10 tv more offend to see more up coming updates.
Read lists-of-information-to-help-you-success-in-your-online-business-journeys…All Steps…
PART 12: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
It’s best to take part in a contest for the most effective blogs on the web. I will recommend this site!
[…] Not just that by sharing x10 tv information you also get to Sell Your OWN banner ad advertising spots with x10 tv info, in exchange for your effort on participle on x10 Tv JV Blogger Advertising Profits program…You Don’t Want to MISS this Unlimited Income Oportuinity…NO INVESTMENT TO START WITH…READ PART 12: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 […]
[…] 12 Chapter 4: Free NEW Join Venture Blogs Traffics EXCHANGE Advertising Profits with x10 Tv / Something you don’t want to miss / Just Update Feb 10 […]