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Follow these 6 easy steps to feel more confident and prepared in the classroom for guaranteed better grades.

These six steps will help you prepare for class and as a result, you will become more and more confident every time you enter the classroom.

In time, you will feel excited about going to class and your grades will drastically improve. Remember that attitude is everything and you must start today by changing your attitude about class. Being prepared for the classroom will certainly help.

  1. Pre-read material in your text before class. Having some exposure to the material will make it much easier to follow along with what the teacher says.
  2. Review past material. Understanding what you did in previous classes will make it much easier to make connections to new material.
  3. Make a list of questions that you may have from the previous day’s activities or homework. Try to get all questions resolved before moving on.
  4. Do your homework. At least try each and every problem and make notes when you don’t understand something. At least the teacher will know that you tried.
  5. Stay organized. Punch holes in all of your papers and keep them in the binder.
  6. Come to class prepared with the appropriate materials such as your text, loose-leaf paper, and something to write with. You wouldn’t want to miss part of the class because you are busy looking around for a pencil!

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