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The Basic Internet Marketing Introduction

This guide is designed especially for those who are new to the world of internet marketing…or IM as some may call it. With this guide, you will be introduced to the basic policies of this industry and also to the much higher-end and more complex systems of internet marketing.

Introduction: Welcome to the world of Internet Marketing!

However, before reading this guide, open your mind to the enormous possibilities of the marketing world. At some point, you may find some of the things that will be discussed too complicated for you in the beginning. However, these topics and pieces of knowledge will all fall into place and will further help you understand this systematic way of marketing. In the long run, this will guarantee your overall success in this journey.

Just try to think of this mini-guide as a bunch of puzzle pieces that will eventually connect to give you a complete picture in the end. Sounds exciting? Great! Let’s begin.

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