Known Dangers of Solar Energy For those of you who don t know, solar energy is actually produced from a process that occurs within the sun known as nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is actually the very same process that is involved in nuclear power plants, and actually employs the same basic nuclear physics laws that applies to atomic bombs. Shading is vital in managing the natural light and temperature of the home. Shade can be given by other structural elements. Insulation refers to keeping a warm home during the winter and a cool house during the summer. Thermal mass refers to heat storage during daytime and its release after the sun is gone. When the sun is out, during night time or in the case of a power shortage or outage, the battery can be used to power different items in the home. If the battery becomes full, the extra electricity will be exported to the utility grid if the system is linked to it. Once the solar energy runs out, electricity coming from the utility will take over. A number of technologies, like the solar thermal concentrators, include an element of thermal storage, such as molten salts. These come in the form of heat and are considered as store spare solar energy that can readily be made available overnight or at times when solar power is not available to create electricity. If done right, you can actually lower your annual utility bill by as much as 80%, which is very significant, especially if you are trying to find ways to save some money. Also, there are certain programs that allow solar energy systems user to sell back energy or electricity that they were not able to consume to the utility provider, giving you more ways to save money. You should read more about installation to check if you want to install or build the panels yourself or hire a professional. There are several web sites, online forums and internet stores where you can learn more about the available models and how these can best suit your location. Some panels are intended for individuals living in places that has minimal sun, while other designs are specifically made to gather the most sun over the shortest span of time.
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