Skin care experts still recommend the use of sunscreen for maximum sun protection. Still, vitamin C can be combined with sunscreens for more coverage and longer protection because once this gets into the skin, it cannot be easily washed or rubbed off. Vitamin C as an anti-oxidant Vitamin C is known to play a crucial role in the oxidation process. This can be a problem as sensitive skin gets easily irritated when in contact with harsh ingredients and abrasive objects. This makes choosing of facial products all the more difficult and crucial. Still, there are basic tips that one must know in taking care of the skin. 1. Never ever sleep while still wearing your make-up This is perhaps the most cardinal rule when it comes to facial care. Serious Skin Care, What It Involves Just the phrase serious skin care and your whole system is all ready to ring the alarm. After all, when is the word serious not serious? But one thing that people should realize is that taking care of your skin is serious in itself. There is no need to wait for much damage before getting serious in taking care of the skin. In fact, one of the fastest growing industry in the country today is the cosmetic industry which partly deals with helping people stay young and look young through augmentation, face lifts and surgeries. People are so ready to spend their hard-earned money on these procedures, something that they would not have done on any other kind of procedures. The only thing that one can do is to prevent the clogging of the pores by removing make-up and washing your face before going to sleep. UV rays can also cause the opening of the pores so it is important to protect your skin well. 3. Dark Spots This has actually been the problem of people who are already in their middle ages. For sure, you will know someone who have been treated and if not, you can always ask your friends who will surely know someone really good. Getting referrals is a great way of ensuring that your doctor is really good because someone you know has already tried his services. Another advantage of going to a doctor that your friends know is that you can ask for tips when it comes to some things like haggling for the price.
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