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Plastic Recycling is an Actual Scam | Climate Town #TeamSeas


In Portland, Oregon for example, recycling bins are in every street corner, while in Albuquerque, New Mexico, there is a clear lack of curbside recycling programs and facilities. Some US states are also offering used electronics recycling programs. Cities like Gallup, New Mexico have recycling initiatives where residents are paid one cent for each pound of plastic bottle they turn-over for recycling. Drop-Off Centers For Recyclables A drop-off center refers to a central location that s established to accept different types of recyclable materials. Even if a town or city has special curbside pick-up points, consumers may wish to transport their used materials here, especially if they have hazardous or toxic materials at home, and don t know how to safely store these. Recycling Kitchen Waste Kitchen waste, especially the organic ones, can be used as manure or fertilizer, once these have been placed in a compost pit. The productive use of kitchen wastes helps reduce a town or city s sewage and garbage problems. The tin cans which often accumulate in your kitchen can also be collected and crushed, and sent to a recycling facility. Glass is another common material that s accepted at recycling facilities. All types of glass can be recycled, and these include drinking glasses, glass food jars and other glass containers. However, mirrors, window glass and crystal are not considered recyclable. How To Set Up A Recycling Business Here are a few simple steps for setting up your own recycling facility or trading station for recyclable materials. It s estimated that 40 billion plastic bottles are produced in the US alone each year, and most of them are thrown away right after being used. The plastics that are thrown generally end up in the local landfill, but it also ends up in the seas, rivers and oceans, where they kill as much as a million sea creatures each year. Set aside some space in your front or back yard for storing your collected scrap metal items. If you don t have a backyard, then you can rent vacant space in someone else s home. A scrap metal collection of around 50 pounds is good enough to earn you a decent return. Sort your collection of metals into different types. 

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