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Sample Special Power of Attorney (SPA)


Aside from revoking, both general and specific power of attorney is discontinued upon the principal s incapacity and death. Non-durable power of attorney The clear characteristic of the non-durable power of attorney is that it is for short-term transactions only. In a situation when the principal could not handle a transaction, then this type may be more suitable. The special power of attorney provides your agent specific powers. You would decide on those specifics. Unlike the general power of attorney, the special power attorney does not give the agent a broad range of coverage. It only specifies how he/she should act. The document should specify which activities the agent should do. To put it simply, this legal term is a medium for granting an individual the right to make medical, financial, and other decisions on your behalf. Easy to understand, isn t it? The authority to manage another person s affairs may begin immediately or only when the principal can no longer make decisions on his or her own. It is advisable that you make a power of attorney even if you do not feel any illness or you do not expect any event that would incapacitate your mental state. It is always ideal to be prepared. Could the power of attorney be revoked? Of course, it could be revoked especially if you are no longer comfortable about the kind of service or performance your agent is giving you. It all depends on the legal papers that accompany the power of attorney. And these papers stating the contract for the power of attorney is required to be shown before an agent can act. Some countries accept oral agreement but others like the United States rely on written documents to deem it legal. Because of the birth of the internet and the computers, powers of attorney sent over the internet or those that are electronically given are accepted in some states and also in some countries. A power-of-attorney document can also save you from hassles as well as unnecessary expenses and waste of time in certain situations. Imagine how you can manage all your legal affairs on your own when you are mentally or physically incapacitated because of a serious disease or injury. That is simply impossible. 

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