Safe Investing For Beginners Safe investing should be the aim of anyone thinking of investing for the first time. Of course safe investing means different things to different people. To some the idea of safe is simply to put their money on deposit. However from a stock market point of view let's look at what safe means to new investors. They have a lot of practice! So what do you say to them? You tell them how you came to be in arrears with you finance and don't be embarrassed. They'd sooner help someone who's honest enough to admit a mistake than think you're hiding something. If you're behind on your bills because of being put on short time at work; tell them. This will not only enable you to build up a great little nest egg but you will also benefit from getting into the habit of saving and investing money. While in college funds may be tight but the self discipline of providing for yourself in the future will be great way to learn the skills that you will also need in building your career. For example you could choose gold or any other precious metal, real estate, Certificates of Deposit or even old automobiles. Your choice is limited only by your imagination and of course the depth of your pockets! Whichever way you decide to invest there are some "rules" which carry across regardless. In that plan you need to be able to tell them how your bad credit came about. Was it a problem with your job? Was it down to ill health? You also need to explain what has changed now and how you will be able to meet the new payments. Try not to be over optimistic here. And for goodness sake tell them the truth, if you don't they will almost certainly find out and you'll fail. Before you do anything else at all, contact the companies you owe the money too. Explain the situation you've found yourself in and ask what they can do to help. Some, not all, but some companies will freeze the interest, especially if you've always had a triple A credit rating in the past. Let take a worst case scenario here and assume your creditors aren't helpful.
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