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10 personal finance lessons that changed my life


And it's not just those of us in paid employment that are running up our credit card debt. Facts show that even students and the unemployed are increasing the amount they owe. So what can we do about this situation? Well the first thing to recognize is that we are all responsible for our own borrowing. They are looking for people to lie to them on their applications and they are very good at spotting the tall tales. They have a lot of practice! So what do you say to them? You tell them how you came to be in arrears with you finance and don't be embarrassed. They'd sooner help someone who's honest enough to admit a mistake than think you're hiding something. You can use this information to do your own research into deciding which financial institution will be the best for you. Two things that you need to look at is the interest rate itself, which will be mentioned clearly on the website and the maturity period. The simple math here is that if the maturity period is longer, then the total interest you earn needs to be higher. It's usually a better idea to start by saving regular monthly amounts as it gets you into the rhythm of saving and pretty soon you will find that you don't really notice the amounts going out each month. Whatever type of investment you decide on ensure that it suits your personality in terms of risk. In fact it was November of 1954 before share prices reached the level they were at on that first day of the crash. So what caused such an economic disaster? There are many different views on the cause as you would imagine but the general consensus of opinion is that there was a misplaced belief that high share prices could be sustained indefinitely. Money can be made in almost any type of investment but matching it to your personality will make it a much more sensible approach. When we think of the different ways of investing money most of us think in terms of the stock market but there are plenty of other types of investment to consider. For example you could choose gold or any other precious metal, real estate, Certificates of Deposit or even old automobiles. 

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