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Musical Instruments Song! | CoComelon Animals | Animals for Kids


Windsavers are valves used in instances wherein two reeds are in the same cell and there is frequent unnecessary air passage through the non-playing reed. The cover plate protects the reed-plates. This could be made of wood, plastic, or metal. The two types of cover plates are those with the traditional open design and those with enclosed designs. Clarinet The word Clarinet is derived from the Italian word clarino meaning trumpet with the suffix et which means little. Thus, the name clarinet or little trumpet. In jazz, it is also called liquorice stick. A person who plays it is a clarinetist. The Clarinet is usually wooden and vertically played. Pressing one end causes the other end which is inside to come up. This end has a tangent, a metallic thin blade, which strikes the respective string. Until the player releases the key, the tangent remains touching the string and produces sound. One advantage of the clavichord over the piano is that it can perform a sound like the vibrato on string instruments. Crumhorn music is commonly played by a consort of crumhorns because of limited range. A consort of crumhorns is a cluster of instruments with different pitches and sizes. Crumhorns are meant to copy the vocal quartet with bass, tenor, soprano, and alto. It has pitches in F and C. The instrument has a naturally sharp sound that gives a good effect in the modern ensemble. Compared to western flutes, the Indian bamboo flute is simpler because they do not have any keys and are made of bamboo. There are two basic kinds of Indian flutes: the Bansuri and the Venu. The Bansuri is an eight-holed flute and has one embouchure hole near the top while the Venu has eight finger holes and requires the cross-fingering technique. This structure is fitted for a bassoon because it becomes very long when straightened out but it is actually very peculiar for an instrument that is soprano-sized. If you know what a bassoon looks like, then let us picture out the octavin like this. Visualize removing an entire twelve inches off the bassoon. 

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