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Finding Hope for Your Desperate Marriage - Gary Chapman Part 1


Regardless of whether the husband or the wife is the perpetrator, marriage help is essential to making the marriage work. If you are experiencing domestic violence or abuse of any kind, marriage help is mandatory to salvage the marriage relationship. Know that domestic violence does not only mean physical violence. This may be partially due to the fact that gambling addictions leave financial and emotional scars. Unlike violence and other forms of addiction, gambling is not as easily noticed outside the home. Marriage help and support is out there for you and your family. You simply need to know where to look. You and your spouse are not alone. If you and your wife argue about disciplining the children, why not take a child development class or read up on the topic online. Your wife will be impressed with your efforts. This step alone may improve the situation in your marriage. Are finances an issue in your marriage? Sign up for a credit counseling class at your local college or university. Marriage Help Workshops and Seminars Have you noticed a lull in your marriage? Maybe you and your spouse don't talk much anymore about deep, intimate topics. Sure, the weather and kids pop up in the conversation but that is about as far as it goes. You know that your marriage could use a little help or boost, but counseling or therapy are not quite what you had in mind. In this instance, employees are directed to attend specific classes, sessions, or group meetings with a particular service provider, but the cost is free or minimal. If you already had a different service provider in mind to provide marriage help, this option may not be what you are looking for despite the excellent cost advantages. Teamwork and cooperation go right out of the window. Even if your spouse refuses to get help, it can be beneficial for both you and the children, if you try some self-help techniques. It is always a positive to improve yourself. If you feel you need counseling, budget tips, a sitter, or a support group, then by all means, locate it. 

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