When you are fraught with difficulties and feel like giving up, do find a way to bring the excitement back. If you enjoy playing vocabulary games better than reading, then play more games than you usually do. If you think you can learn fluent Spanish more by watching soaps, go ahead and watch more soaps. If you are planning to teach your kid Spanish at home, it would be best to talk to the child s teacher first, if he or she is already going to school. The teacher may be able to recommend methods on how you can proceed with the lessons. They can even provide you some useful resources and materials. You could start by reading to them. Before the letters A, O, or U, it is pronounced like the C in CAT, as in CASA or CANTAR. If it is before the vowels E or I, it is pronounced like a TH in the word THIN. (decir, conocer) The letter D has a hard and a soft sound. At the beginning of a word and after the letters N and L, it is like the D in DOG. When a child or a teen starts to learn to a second language, it is not only the language they are learning, they are also catching a glimpse of the culture itself. This would make the child or the teen become more sensitive to other culture, appreciate internationalism, and enhances their social skills. And because Spanish and English have almost the same grammar, learning Spanish is a good way to review the English sentence structure, which you would otherwise ignore in normal occasions. Your knowledge of Spanish, and therefore Latin, will also make you more adept at understanding and using medical and legal terms, many of which have Latin origins. You already have a basic comprehension of pronunciation, verb tenses, parts of speech, and even the rules in spelling. You are wondering how you can continue with the learning momentum. It is now time to meet new words and learn Spanish vocabulary. Easy does it In so many ways, learning and expanding your Spanish vocabulary are the easiest compared with other languages.
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