There are common practices which could help you learn bit by bit. The following should also be practiced even by those who are attending language classes. Watching television programs, news programs in Spanish. Even watching telenovelas or dramas would be able to help you with your comprehension skills. Learning Spanish helps improve one s understanding of English. One reason for this is the fact that much of the English vocabulary has Latin origins by way of French incorporated into English. Spanish is a Latin language and learning its linguistic intricacies will provide a better understanding of the English language as a whole. Remember that when learning to speak Spanish, genders should be one of your focal lessons since mastering genders will enable you to determine which article to use. It is also equally important to find out the words exempted from the gender rule, which by the way are quite numerous. 6. Speak monotonously. Learning Spanish and Gender Matters Like many languages in the world, Spanish has definite distinctions placed on gender. Depending on how you take it, learning Spanish is either hard or easy to master. Some people think it is an added burden. Some people on the other hand think it helps them learn the language better because seeing a gender-specific attribute to a word automatically tells them the right qualifiers. (I want a certain book.) Be careful in using UN or UNA when referring to occupation. The articles A or AN are required in English but are not used in Spanish. You say, NO SOY MARINERO, SOY CAPIT N. (I am not a mariner, I am a captain.) A definite article is usually used for days of the week (singular EL and plural LOS). Newspapers, magazines, and books provide wider windows to everyday Spanish vocabulary and usage. 2. Use the words. What s the use of 50 new words if you forever bank them in your mind? Many Spanish learners use new words three to ten times within the day and find it very helpful. So, try to do the same.
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