It can save you much money in the long run and keep you from having to spend the time and money that is involved in sowing new lawn grasses. When taking your soil sample, you should take samples from 10 to 15 different areas of your lawn. Take a tablespoon of each and mix them together thoroughly. If there is not a soil testing service in your area, you can purchase a home soil testing kit at most any plant nursery. Sowing Tips Whether you are sowing a cool season grass or a warm season grass, sowing seed is all the same. When you are planting a new lawn, you have to have a spreader. If you do not have one personally, you can rent one. You should apply a top dressing to your lawn. This will help to hold in moisture. Today there are gasoline powered and electric powered blades also available in the market. They have two stroke or four stroke engine like those in other vehicles that run on roads. They basically have a 2-7 HP engine. Every month new models and versions of such mowers is introduced in the market. Electric mowers are divided into cordless electric mowers and corded electric mowers. Fertilizers promote growth which means you will have to water more often. Instead of using weed killers during the draught times, you may need to manually pull them out of your lawn, or simply cut them off at the surface. Leave your lawn clipping on the grass. They can add moisture to your lawn. If you are restricted from watering your lawn, you should simply let it go dormant. If you are going to be digging, you should purchase a shovel that is shaped like a spade. If you are going to be picking up clutter and debris from your soil, you will want to have a shovel that has a flat head. When purchasing a shovel, keep in mind the length of the handle. The longer the handle, the easier it will be to lift when it is full of dirt. These can either be manual or even gas and electric models. These can be used for trimming the grass in inaccessible places where no lawnmower has ever gone before. Along with these tools, you need an implement to spread weed killer as well as fertilizer on your lawn. This is known as a spreader and is basically a tub, which is pushed all over the lawn, spreading the fertilizer or the weed killer evenly over the surface of the grass.
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