Aerator should be moved in two different directions for better coverage. Another important point to be kept in mind before using an aerator is to mark your garden sprinklers, cable and underground wiring lines carefully so that the aerator tines do not damage them. After taking out soil cores use manure and fertilizers on the lawn surface which will replenish the soil. Warm season grasses do best in the southern states, while cool season grasses grow better in the northern states. As previously stated, warm season grasses can be planted in spring and cool season grasses should be planted in the late summer or early fall. It is important that you know which grass you have and which growing season it will thrive in to make seeding new lawns a rewarding project. Another key component to maintaining the health of your new lawn is to never mow your grass unless it is dry. Mowing on new, wet grass can pull the newly rooted grass out of the soil. Never scalp your new lawn grass. It is better for your new lawn grass to be a little high than to be too short. By allowing your new lawn grass to grow a little high before cutting it will ensure that the grass is well rooted and established before it undergoes the trauma of a lawn mower blade. If you sow you lawn grasses in this soil, they may grow very slow. The stems of your grass blades may be very pale and they may become diseased. Simply adding fertilizer will not repair the soil levels. You will have to neutralize the soil by adding limestone. The amount of limestone you add will be incumbent upon your soil’s pH level. You can choose the lawn mower according to the size of your garden and kind of blades that you require. The electric mowers are the recent one and work on two or four stroke engines. They are also available with cord and without cord designs. Some other equipment that is used in the gardening field is sprayers. Today there are many other chemicals present in the market that can help you decrease the amount of weeds growing in your garden. Herbicides are widely used in different parts of the world to control the growth of weeds. In domestic gardens there are different methods like covering the area of the garden with many layers of newspaper for several weeks in order to control the amount of weeds.
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