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Allopathy v/s Homeopathy - Hot talk (23-1)


Another obvious example is the use of venom in curing blood poising. There are three basic principles in homeopathy: First is the principle of like cures like. To give more stress on this, we can use colds as example. People with colds who display symptoms similar with that of mercury poisoning could be treated with mercury. In general, it makes use of natural substances and minerals that could be found in nature which are presumably superior against the laboratory-produced drugs that are filled with substances which could harm human body. Where to find information on homeopathy With the advent of the internet, it is no longer a question if whether one should search extensively in libraries and medical institutions or simply click the mouse and look for websites focusing on homeopathy. For a series of years, the patient may be hypothyroid. This is another matter that needs to be conferred on during the hypothyroid homeopathy. The secondary hypothyroidism. This is somewhat related to the existing brain diseases. Any disorder in the hypothalamus or in the pituitary gland can lead to hormonal imbalance. The patients who direly need such treatment are those who complain of chest fullness alongside with the condition known as arrhythmias. Such sensation of fullness becomes a very disturbing feeling for the individual as if something will burst at any moment. What remedy is behind the lachesis homeopathy? In the height of his career, he became one of the regular dining partners of Prince Edward, which then later became the King of England. As a sign of close friendship and respect, the Prince of Wales sent four empty royal carriages as cortege during his funeral, perhaps the highest honor given to a commoner from a royalty. But homeopathy views health as something more than that. It is good to remember that human body was created for perfection yet this is hardly achievable these days due to exposure to various elements that often harms and exploits our health. This truth can be seen by looking at the spectrum of choices we now have in terms of medications alone. 

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