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10 Best Genealogy Research Tips and Tricks: Part 1

Ask any of your relatives for their experiences during childhood, their jobs, their education, their particular immigration story or history and their family life. Also note any of their physical and personality traits. Be open When asking, try as much as possible to be flexible, catering your questions to each interviewees digressions. The following sites (in no particular order) are also free sources of genealogical researches: Access Genealogy- this site segregates records from Bibles, cemeteries, biographies, census, and even African-American records. MyTrees.com- they have the so-called Ancestry Archive Search, MyTrees Plus (Search and Results), vital records and genealogy from countries like the U. This tool is what most genealogists online utilize to connect with each other as well as share info. Communicate, communicate, communicate Still, the best way to make good progress in one s research of their genealogy is through constant communication with those who is a lot experienced in terms of genealogical searches. A basic family tree should look like the following: You > Your Father > Your Father s Father & Your Father s Mother Your Mother > Your Mother s Father & Your Mother s Mother Before one should delve into the long process of tracing generations that are way back, a person should begin by asking his living relatives. The following are tips and advice to help you conduct your own family history genealogy search the best way you can. Trees and family tree Make good use of the internet when looking for your family tree. Download tree family charts through the website ancestry.com. Another is through the magazine, Family Tree. We are still using this tradition in treating illnesses especially the Chinese people. If you will just trace the origin of medicines, you will be amaze that most of it actually came from herbs and plants but with modifications. The past cultures also serve as our politician s guide in implementing new laws. 

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