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This Carbon-Negative Dream House Ships In A Box

So you need air condition system which has lower energy consumption but has good results. For this purpose examine your air conditioning system once in a week and check the sealing of air duct. In mobile home air duct is present under the home. Your air duct must be placed few inches above the ground with skirt for protecting them from dust during bad weather. Leaks may come from doors, joints, windows and sills etc. The habitual maintenance examination on furnace will make it operating proficiently. In this way the space heat equates the electricity consumed. Use of clean air-filter will again ensure that you are getting good air recycling and clean air as well. Another important thing in solar energy is that it will not pollute the environment. It makes you environment very neat and clean that's why solar energy is said to be environment friendly. If we compare solar energy systems and electrical energy generated systems then solar systems are very easy to maintain. Weather strippers are best to seal the attic door. 3. Securing leaks around your house will also aid you in controlling energy lost. These leaks have a great deal of contribution in high cost of home electric bills. Since, leaks make possible for air to go out of the house and vice versa. This results in increase of workload of home's heating/cooling system. Your house walls should be insulated properly for keeping the house warm. Another important thing your house must have good heating system for keeping your house warm and comfortable. The most important thing in winter season is keeping your house and it is very easy to say but difficult to maintain. Modern era has really provided us the luxuries and comforts that our ancestors can never even imagine. For every task to be done there is a different kind of device available that can perform it efficiently and readily. But of course cost is attached to each and everything in life so these appliances do not work for free. 

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