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However, there have been many critics in the inclusion of dancesport as an Olympic event. Judging is often done through appeal and how dancers impress judges. Scoring in these competitions is considered to be dubious as well -- opening to the possibility of disguising fraudulent judgment with anonymous decisions with no definite criteria and scores. Each light jig step can actually vary with each dance school and with each teacher, but there are certain standard steps or movements that can be used in almost all forms of light jigs, and that step is referred to as the rise and grind, or rising step. What you do to perform this step is basically place your weight on your first foot, then raise your second foot off the floor, once you have done this, you simply perform two hops on your first foot, or on the foot that is still on the ground. You simply move from side to side in a rhythmic pattern. Just make sure that you follow the beat of the music, or you would look a bit silly. Step to the right, then bring your feet together, then step to the left, then bring your feet together again. This is practically the most basic steps that you can make when dancing Disco. Here are some of the Kerala festivals that involve various types of ceremonial dances: Onam: This is a popular festival in Kerala that is observed with much gaiety and fervor, typically held between August and September. There are a lot of dancing involved that represent religious harmony amongst various families. Later, it was modified its repertoire of movement to follow the complicated harmony produced by the "togue" (flamenco guitar), as well as the rhythmic clapping and stamping of the audience or the band. The dance was later termed as the "baile" -- a common social dance of those with Spanish decent. It wasn t until the 19th century that ballet really experienced a great social change, as it was during this period that new techniques in ballet were introduced, such as the pointework, thereby propelling the ballet dancer into a symbol for a stage figure. This was also the time that ballet shoes or slippers were invented. 

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