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Why Credit Scores Are a Scam

Credit experts however frown on going to sites like the Free Credit Report, because despite their name, they actually charge monthly fees for their credit monitoring service. Once you re in the site, choose your state from the pull-down menu, and start filling your information. Ask For Credit Reports From The 3 Major Credit Bureaus The next step would be to request for credit report from the 3 major credit bureaus, since you won t be charged with any fees. However, a person cannot simply wish to receive credit as they please, because they will need to apply for it, and most credit companies also take a closer look at a person s credit report, to see if they are truly credit-worthy, and know how to manage their finances well. Here are the five basic elements of a credit report. Nevertheless, any simple credit report errors may still have a damaging on the person s credit score, which can result in the individual getting rejected for a much-needed credit line. Here are five ways for disputing discrepancies in your credit report. Order a Copy Of Your Credit Report From The Big 3 Credit Agencies The first thing to do is to order a copy of your credit report directly from each, or any of the three major credit agencies. While the names used by the major credit companies are essentially the same, lenders often use just one credit report, to analyze your loan application. Myth No. 2 To Repair Your Credit Score, Simply Pay-off All Your Debts The truth is that your credit score will be influenced, and determined by your past credit history, and not by your current amount of debt. Once these are turned over to a collection agency, the bad news will certainly be circulated aorund the lending community. Non-Payment Of Apartment Rentals Defaulting on your apartment rental payments can also add to your credit rating woes. Your landlord can actually report that he or she has evicted you for defaulting on your apartment rent, and this would surely sne dshivers down most property management companies and mortgage lenders. Under the right circumstances, it would be better if you ask for permission, instead of asking for forgiveness from your creditors, since these individuals can actually punish you with late charges and black eyes on your credit score. Arrange For Automatic Payments For Every Type Of Loan To keep your sanity intact during a financial crisis, it would help if you carefully manage all your bill payments. 

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