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Because you ve settled with your former creditor for an amount less than what you actually owe them, the creditor eventually reports the remaining balance which you weren t able to pay, to the credit reporting agencies, and this will get noted in your credit report as a deficiency balance . If you have debts with former creditors, make sure that you work out a full settlement with them, and guarantee that what s accomplished between you and your creditor does not get reported elsewhere. How To Stay Afloat Despite Experiencing Bankruptcy Whenever you wish to make a business purchase, or you wish to avail of a housing loan after an episode of bankruptcy, here are some helpful tips to follow. Look for lenders who still accept clients who have bankruptcy records, since there are a number of them that are in operation today. How To Interpret Your Business Credit Report: 5 Tips A business credit report is similar to a school kid's grades , although the grades refer to a small, medium or large business entity's dependability to handle its debt's, as well as the ability to qualify for loan from creditors. Here are 5 helpful tips for interpreting and evaluating your business credit report. In addition, remember to keep your total debt ratio nothing more than 30%, since this will help lessen your businesses' overall debt exposure, and will ensure that you remain favorable in the eyes of prospective lenders. Another way for building a solid business credit profile is through estbalishing a payment history. Print Your Credit Report Once you request your credit report, print it out once it appears, because the major credit bureaus won t send them to you via email. Look for links on the first page of the Web site, which allows you to print the report. While getting a credit report usually comes at no extra cost, these companies are allowed to advertise other paid services, such as a credit monitoring service, which goes for a small monthly fee. Pay-Off A Sizable Amount of Your Current Debts In order to build a good credit score, pay-off a sizable portion of your current debt load, since the more available credit you have, the more will your credit rating improve. Also have a considerable savings and checking account, as well as learn to regulate it too. 

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