If you are one of those parents who are having a hard time to get started on filing for a child custody case because of mixed emotions and guilty feelings, then the best way would be to settle all your ill feelings first. Find it in yourself that this is something inevitable and is really beyond your control. Here, mothers can file a petition against the father on behalf of the child asking him to prove his biological paternity (and his legal fatherhood of same). If it is proven, mothers has the right to ask for child support, medical and health insurance of the child, a share in the medical expenses during birth, and pay a portion of the mother s legal expenses. This is because more often than not, the parent would only experience failure because he or she wasn t able to meet the goals and expectations that are set. However, despite the discouraging times, this is not enough reason to give up when there s an on going child custody case. In fact, for some people, this can be a good opportunity to start anew. As defined, child custody refers to a legal term that is usually used when tackling legal and practical relationships concerning a parent and a child. Family experts say that fighting for custody of any child after a painful separation or an on going divorce is definitely one of the most heart wrenching and emotionally draining experiences any parent could face. It would require so much self-assessment as well as constant reflection over one's self, on his or her environment, the people that surround him or her and the overall condition of life that he or she is in. Experts say that once each of these has been thoroughly assessed, it will be easier to pave the way for continuous self-motivation. If it is a joint physical custody , the child shuttles between each parent s homes. If a parent has sole legal custody , that parent has the right to make decisions on the child s health, education, and overall welfare (doctor, schools, etc). In joint legal custody both parents share the decisions. How is a decision made?
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