When the issue is resolved in the courts, the issue of child support overpowers that of the father having to gain access to their children. Nowadays, some lawyers argue that a mother denying the unmarried father access to the child may not be in the best interest of the child. This position would require explanation, and could be used against the mother if the custody is disputed. This is because when people are motivated, they become more aggressive in achieving their goals and dreams in life despite painful experiences. Studies also show that though motivation from other people helps a lot, it is best if one starts with motivating him or herself. This is because if one knows how to motivate him or herself, that person would be able to make decisions that would affect his or her life in the future. Thus, it is important to be familiar with the laws that apply to your situation. The court of jurisdiction does not immediately change when the custodial parent takes along the child to another state. So, for instance, even though the arrangements for child support were created in Florida and the custodial parent and the child have moved to Arkansas, the custody laws in Florida still applies. As defined, child custody refers to a legal term that is usually used when tackling legal and practical relationships concerning a parent and a child. Family experts say that fighting for custody of any child after a painful separation or an on going divorce is definitely one of the most heart wrenching and emotionally draining experiences any parent could face. They tend to withdraw from everybody else parents, friends, and classmates and would prefer to be on their own since they are afraid that people will ask him or her on the details of the child custody case which he or she no longer wishes to be reminded of. 3. Too much shyness. Since kids feel embarrassed with all the things that have occurred, discussed and divulged during the child custody case hearing, they will develop extreme shyness that will hamper their social communication skills and may eventually affect his or her overall personality. In that case, you and your ex-spouse have equal amounts of time for custody of your child. Physical custody is a good option since it allows you and your ex-spouse to spend a maximum amount of time with your child. However, this type of custody will work only if you and your ex-spouse live near each other.
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