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15 Abnormally Strange Cats That Actually Exist

Taking steps in training will be rewarding to you and the cat. Try not to rush a cat in training, as they can become confused especially if they did not get the step before down. The training will take time and steps to achieve this behavior. Patience, love, and rewards will be the key factor in training your cat. Well, when your cat has fleas it's like your problem, just multiplied a hundred times. If your cat has fleas or ticks, you need to take action. If they are scratching or have irritated skin, your cats need you to bring this problem under control because it can become a much larger problem if you do not. Before bringing home the new kitten, take her to your veterinarian to get her checked and vaccinated, kittens have weak immune systems and are likely to pick up something at the shelter or cattery. Consider adopting a cat of the opposite sex to your existing cat, this will avoid same sex rivalry and associated problems. Don t move too quickly, or the cat might misunderstand. When teaching a kitten only do it for half hour a day and only repeat a few times. As an annoyed kitten will not learn anything. If you are forbidding something, be consistent. Don t change your mind, and stick to the same command. If you ve caught your cat doing something bad, give it a quick squirt of water from a plant sprayer. Start by opening the flap fully, just showing the tit-bit, then next time close the flap a little bit and keep on doing so until the cat realises that the flap will open with a small push of the head. Cats like to sharpen their claws on most household furniture! Suites, corners of walls (thick paper), carpets. You can squeeze a palm sized amount of shampoo and massage the shampoo into his coat. Use slow, calm motions and he ll relax and maybe even will enjoy it. Once he is lathered, you ll need to rinse him off. Make sure to get all of the shampoo out of his coat as anything left on him will irritate his skin. 

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