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The ShopBot CNC cuts materials like a saw on the X or Y direction and on any diagonal. It can cut any depth, can cut circles, holes, arcs, ellipses, and curves. A woodworker s array of shop tools includes a table saw, a drill press, a chop saw, a lathe, a router, band saw, a joiner/planer, and a shaper or a panel saw. A CNC machine would allow you to work with other things when the machine is working on every detail which is designed with a CAD/CAM software. Before starting a woodworking business, there are several factors and steps to consider. It is important to determine the amount or start-up capital that would be needed to start the business. With CNC, digital versions of the design and the engineering are tried out first before even touching and cutting any actual material. On the computer, modifying the design to adjust the fit can be done in a jiffy. You can even take an existing design and make new sizes or new shapes or new versions. CNC Woodworking Machine s Advantages Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) woodworking equipment is facilitated with a Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software that will control the machine, like a CNC router. A CAD module would send the instructions to the machine to control it. CNC equipments are meant to increase operations especially in the manufacturing industry. CNC machines could reduce human-related errors and retain consistency, accuracy and precision in their work pieces. Aside from that CNC could also reduce the amount of time spent on production, thus increasing productivity. Given these benefits, it is very likely that businessmen, from small businesses to large scale woodwork business, will use CNC machines for their production. Patience Another attitude to help you through all this is patience. You and your people will need much of it when they bring in the CNC machine into your shop. Expect a lot of growing pains for everybody involved. For one thing, understanding a new technology and its processes cannot be successfully put into operations in just one or two days. 

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