Therefore, while antioxidants can be found in many fresh fruits and vegetables, it still pays to take antioxidant dietary supplement along with your food. Vitamin C antioxidant dietary supplement is perhaps the most famous form of antioxidant available. Also known as ascorbic acid, bottles of this antioxidant dietary supplement can be found in any pharmacy or health food store. But what if there is a way for us to retard the development of free radicals? What if there is a way to break the free radical chain reaction? What if there is a way to prevent those diseases caused by harmful free radicals from developing? Yes, indeed, there is a way. Antioxidant foods are powerful substances that can neutralize free radicals before they damage your body's cells. Literary tools aside, super antioxidants do indeed react against the harmful effects of free radicals by stopping them from reacting with the molecules in the first place. Some super antioxidants may also act primarily to break off the chain reaction of free radicals. Others act by repairing damages caused by the accumulation of free radicals in tissues. Oxidative stress is a process which many a scientist has linked with the development of chronic and degenerative diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Antioxidant fruits may be plain fruits, cereals, and vegetables. Some antioxidant fruits may also be taken in dried, powdered forms, like dietary supplements or pills. As an antioxidant, the flax oil's lignans can help boost the body's immune system, keeping harmful, disease-causing germs from damaging the cells. These plant hormones are also believed to block the formation of hormone-based tumors. Lignans also boost the productions of a substance attached to estrogen and carries it out of the body. However, the absorption of antioxidant enzymes in supplement form is minimal at best. A better way would be to supplement the body with the "building blocks" required in order for our body to manufacture its own SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and other such antioxidant enzymes. The building block nutrients of antioxidant enzymes include the minerals manganese, zinc, and copper for SOD and selenium for glutathione peroxidase.
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