This is the more reason why the dog will tire easy. Set the pace. A fifteen minutes walk will already be enough during the first time out. This could be increased gradually but the dog should be allowed to rest whether it wants it or not. Another reason for this is because of the excitement, the dog will pull hard at the leash that could injure his neck. It obeys true but often, only to the extent that it is avoiding the pain that results. Another danger to negative reinforcement is that once the dog owner starts using pain as a deterrent for bad behavior, the temptation to resort to harm often gets stronger especially when the dog refuses as dogs do from time to time. Different from sporting dogs, hound dogs do not raise their tail to the direction of the prey like pointers nor do they kill them like retrievers. Instead they assist hunters by chasing the prey using their scant and sight. There are variations of hound dogs. The most popular are the Scent Dogs and the Sight Dogs. If you want a pet that you can carry with you, a small dog toy or lapdog is a perfect choice. Make no mistake, though. Small dogs do not always make for behaved dogs. As if to compensate for their small size, some small dogs develop tough dog attitudes. Be prepared to do plenty of obedience training to curb their small dog aggressiveness. Very receptive and intelligent, this dog poses both the characteristics of physical and mental attributes and attitudes of its original parents. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog The best way to describe this dog is "muscular, large, and powerful". This dog has very strong affinity to what they consider as the pack making them very protective of families and territories that they consider their own. Before going out to find a dog for adoption, consider a list of characteristics that you would want in a dog. Generally dog breed helps. There are two kinds of dogs, the mixed, and the purebreds. Dog breeds have characteristics and traits different from other dogs although remember that even a purebred will display characteristics entirely their own and which will only be recognized later as the pup is growing up.
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