During my first 2 years as a struggling home business entrepreneur dreaming of making big money and leading a free lifestyle, I made many mistakes. Some of those mistakes cost me money. Others caused me heartache, and a few almost completely destroyed my faith that an ordinary person like me could dream of extraordinary things.
But I have also made a handful of good decisions, and at the top of that list is my decision to become a member of the IAHBE. The IAHBE (http://www.iahbe.org) stands for International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs. In one sentence, it is simply "An online Home Business University with an extensive Learning Center packed with home business information, reports, articles, seminars and other content put under one roof."
Being an exclusive paid membership resource, I was very half-hearted at first at the thought of spending a good $29 for something as intangible as "information". As I once asked myself, many people now ask me this question: "Can't I get this information for FREE on the Internet? So why do I need to pay for it?"
I have to admit that this is a valid question. And I have to agree that you CAN find similar (but not exact) information for free, scattered around the Internet. So why choose the IAHBE? How can it help you?
Let me tell you my story, from the point of view of an entrepreneur living in Malaysia, while trying to build a global business on the Internet. This is how it changed my life...
1) Your Words are the Holy Truth
Not too long ago, I used to think that my ex-MLM upline leader had my best interests at heart. I thought that the meetings I went for and the methods they preached were the only way to build and market a home based business.
That couldn't be any further from the truth. For example, my upline thought me these lessons about prospecting:
a) Go door-to-door and ask people to come to the Opportunity Meeting...
b) NEVER mention that it is a "business opportunity meeting"...
c) Personally go to the prospect's home and bring them to the opportunity meeting...
d) Make a surprise visit to your prospect's home and show them the compensation plan...
e) Convince the prospect to join or buy the products
I could go on and on, but surely you get the point. In the IAHBE, I came across an article by Tom “Big Al” Schreiter about prospecting, and it changed my life forever. Here's what the article said:
"Professionals sort, amateurs convince"
I wish words could express how that simple sentence changed my idea of prospecting forever...
The point is this: You can never rely on a single source of information. The IAHBE has so many good and qualified authors, every one of them a success in their own rights. Finally, I found a place where I can get so much high quality information, compare them, and decide for myself which ideas I want to follow.
If you’ve decided to climb the home business ladder to success, and you want to REALLY make sure that it’s not leaning against the wrong wall, you’ll need guidance from people who have "been there and done that" before you start your journey.
2) Running Around in Circles
Before I joined the IAHBE, I was scouting around the Internet for free home business tips and ideas. I found many, but the problem was that I now had to ask myself:
- Which Internet "guru" you should I listen to?
- What should I invest in?
- Which resources will help me achieve profitability and which ones won't?
- What steps should I take to get where I want without busting my budget?
As I sat around cracking my head with these questions, I realized another undeniable factor to home business success, TIME! The fact is that there are only so many hours in a day, and why was I wasting time trying to wade through the sea of information called the Internet?
Information on the Internet, I learned, can never be fully trusted, especially if it's FREE. There are so many "Fake Experts" out there pitching ideas they have not tried themselves, which can lead the new guy astray.
With the IAHBE on the other hand, I can be assured that I am getting only top quality information. All writers are screened and evaluated before their material is accepted by the IAHBE. You don't get the fake ones here, and that's a real relief.
3) Keeping My Home Business Costs under Control
As a budding home business entrepreneur, my survival depended on how well I controlled my meager finances and small capital. And yet, every business owner knows the costs associated when starting your business. For example, I had to spend on:
a) My personal growth - books, ebooks, reports
b) Advertising - ezine ads, PPC, leads and print media ads
c) Operations - PC software, productivity tools
I had, at that time, spent close to $3000 just getting started. Most that was spent on useless website traffic schemes, so called "targeted" home business leads, books, software and PPC advertising. But in my second month as a member of the IAHBE, I realized that I actually have hundreds of unused coupons, discounts and special offers for the same products and services that I paid the full price for elsewhere. How can they do this?
It's a question of simple economics. What you cannot achieve as an individual, you can easily achieve as a group. Since the IAHBE has thousands of members, they can easily negotiate for special bulk discounts, free trials, and even free gifts from various suppliers, manufacturers and retailers.
4) A Simple Choice I had to Make
Many of my downline affiliates ask; is the IAHBE suitable for me? To this question I always ask them back:
"Do you want to spend time finding information, or do you want to spend time building a business?"
The reason is this; if you're content in running around chasing information, instead of actually building a business, you don't need the IAHBE. If you want to learn only from truly successful people, and get the information delivered to your doorstep, there is no smarter choice. After all, it only costs you around a dollar a day. Heck, even useless 'lifestyle' magazines cost more :)
5) The Journey Makes a Full Circle
The only apparent weakness of the IAHBE was that it did not provide information specific to Malaysia, where I live and run my Internet business. Sure, the articles and tips were great, but when I needed information that applies to me as a Malaysian, I dreaded the thought of going back to the world of offline information retrieval.
In an email, I told them that they should be more "International" as their name suggests. To my honest surprise, three months down the road, they did indeed become truly "International". And they were looking for writers to complement their search for information on Asia, especially in home business hotspots like India, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Japan and the Philippines.
Good things happen to those who persist. Not only did I get what I want, I was also appointed as a writer for topics related to Asia. Now I had to give back, and I could not be happier doing so.
So even if you are based in far corners of Asia, the International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs could be the smartest choice you make this year to help you improve as an entrepreneur, as a marketer, and as a human being.
Take it form a guy who learned the hard way. Take it from a guy who is a member, writer and 100% believer in the IAHBE, and how it can change your life. You can get more info at http://www.home-business-association.com/IAHBE/
Seek only the truth, for the truth shall set you free. In the story of my life as an entrepreneur, it did indeed.
About the author:
Gobala Krishnan is a home based business entrepreneur and Internet marketer. You can contact him at http://www.GobalaKrishnan.comor become a member of his Six Figure Income Dream Team at http://www.sfidreamteam.com
Traffic Exchange Sites are websites where you get page views of your
own site in exchange for visiting others. Many such sites are available.
However, choosing the right one or a combination of them can be a very
time consuming process.
Basically there are two types. Manual surfing and Auto surfing. Some
Traffic exchanges cater for Manual surfing only, some cater for Auto
surfing only and some cater for both.
Manual surfing - This requires your input by clicking a button after a
specified time period, generally 15, 20 or 30 seconds, although there are
a few other variations. With manual surfing, the surfer is expected to
view each site. However, with most exchange sites, it is possible to
minimize or resize the windows. This defeats the purpose because it allows
multiple sessions to be run simultaneously. On the better exchange sites,
security measures are often used to deter this. These are normally random
prompts that require user input. For example, after x number of page
views, you may be required to enter a code, select a color or image or
perform some other variation of this.
Auto surfing - This requires no input. However in reality, your input
may be required because of popup or frame breakers. Some traffic exchange
sites require that the pages run are maximized and although you can
minimize the page yourself, it will automatically maximize at the next
refresh. You will also find that with some exchange sites, pages will run
on top whereas with others, pages will run quite happily underneath,
allowing you to do what ever you like without ever viewing the page
Both manual and auto surfing will bring traffic to your website, but
there is a much greater likelihood of your web pages being actually seen
with manual surfing.
Credits - As well as surfing, credits are usually acquired for
subscribing, for referrals and for any winnings associated with exchange
site lotteries, games or competitions. These credits can then be used to
increase the traffic to your site. Some exchange sites will also allow you
to sell your credits to other members.
Free or Paid - The majority of Traffic Exchanges offer a paid option.
This option may give you a better surf ratio, bonus credits, money for
referrals or other benefits. Before paying however, it is important that
you test how targeted the traffic is that you receive. There's no point in
paying for extra traffic if it doesn't generate any more income for you.
Click for Credits or Buy Credits - Is it worth buying credits?
This can depend on a number of reasons. The two main ones are time and
Let’s take an example
At the time of writing the cost of 2000 credits for free members of a
well known Traffic Exchange Site was $40. This works out at $0.02 a click.
For pro members the same $40 bought 2200 credits.
With the number of clicks limited to 250 per day and page views of 20
seconds this means that in theory it will take you 250 X 20 = 5000 sec or
83 minutes 20 seconds to view the 250 pages. However in practice you must
allow extra time for clicking the next button, clicking the title of the
page you will be viewing and any sites worth looking at.
Since I am a firm believer in practical results, I viewed the 250
pages. It took me 2 hours and 12 minutes to accomplish this. During that
time, I accumulated 854 credits. To buy these credits would have cost
$17.08 as a free member and approximately $15.53 as a pro member. Allowing
for rounding up, this equates to almost 390 credits per hour or $7.80 per
hour cash value.
Now ask yourself this. Would you work for $7.80 per hour?
I must emphasize that this is only one example and that other results
will differ because of the random allocation of credits. It is shown here
only as an example and to give you an idea of the cost implications for
one particular traffic exchange site. The cost of credits may differ
dramatically for different exchange sites. If you buy or intend to buy
credits from a traffic exchange site, you can apply what is shown in the
example. There's no need to click on a large number of websites to find
out if your exchange site is giving you enough credits for your money. A
sample of around 20 sites should give you enough information to produce a
rough value-for-money guide.
If you enjoy this sort of thing or want a break from train spotting,
you could expand on this. Increase your sample size, increase the number
of samples, select a good representation of traffic exchanges and tabulate
your results. Choose enough sites and you will be able to create your own
league table. There’s a market for everything.
Whether you use traffic exchange sites or not in the quest for more
visitors to your site, you should at the very least know what they are and
what they do. But don't totally dismiss them. They are part of an
expanding market. I recommend that you try at least one traffic exchange
site. You could read every book on the subject, but without active
participation, you will not be qualified to comment on their worth or
suitability. The time taken for a few mouse clicks is a small price to
pay. If it works for you, you have learned. If it doesn't work for you,
you have learned.